Chapter 8 🍋

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"Hello" - Speaking

'Hello' - Thinking

Hello - System Talking

-Next Day-

I spent the rest of last night leveling up Alchemist to max level and gaining some new recipes too.

Keith Vermillion

LVL - 145

Class - Saber - LVL (45/100)

Sub-Class - Alchemist - LVL (50/50)

Race - Human

HP - 10300 [2060 per min]

MP - 31300 [15650 per min]

STR - 465

END- 515

DEX - 555

INT - 1565

WIS - 1565

CHA - 640

LUK - 215

Points - Locked

HP = END X 20

HP Regen = END X 4

MP = INT X 20

MP Regen = WIS X 10

Greater Health & Mana Potion (Unlocked)

New Potion Recipe:

[Ultimate Potion]

A powerful potion that restored 100% health and mana.

[Gender Swap Potion]

Changes the physical sex of the drinker

[Fertility Potion]

Grants a 100% chance for inception for the next 24 hours.

Choose a new class

[Fighter] [Ranger] [Support] [Mage] [Rogue]

Well, everybody knows that I can use fire magic and I still need to level up my saber class, so I need a new kind of magic since only having one kind of magic is not enough to beat anyone if they had resistance against said magic. So, I pick mage again!

Choose Your Specialization

[Elementalist] [Summoner] [Necromancer] [Druid] [Illusionist]

Since I have fire magic, so why not just pick another element to go with my fire abilities, I have selected Elementalist!

Choose an element

[Aerokinisis] [Geokinisis] [Cryokinisis] [Hydrokinisis]

I decided to choose Cryomancer because I like the idea of becoming a magic version of Shoto Todoroki. Fire and Ice is a powerful combo to have if done right.

Class Gained

[Cryomancer] - LVL (1/100)

Gain 5 INT and 5 WIS at every level

Skills Gained

[Ice Arrow]

Costs 20 MP

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