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Four Years Later~
Also admit it. You read this in the SpongeBob narrator voice.

Four years had passed. Four years of Thor and Loki ruling Asgard in tandem, thankfully. Mainly because Freya kept Loki in check. Odin had disappeared somewhere, which Freya silently expressed her concerns about. Her mother and sister were overly nervous about his disappearance, but were both too scared to say anything. They knew that Freya would say something to Loki.

One sunny afternoon, Loki randomly came to his quarters in a rush, dressed in an all black suit. Freya blushed heavily and smirked a bit. "Freya...Freya, what is that look for?" He asked, knowing full well what it meant. In a commanding manner that was the complete opposite of her normal, timid self, Freya said, "On the bed."

Loki immediately kicked the door shut and locked it, throwing off his suit jacket and kicked off his shoes. Freya looked him up and down as if to say, "Lose the shirt and the pants." Loki chuckled and turned pink. "You really are one mischievous little Valkyrie."


Freya pinned Loki down on the bed, licking her bottom lip. Loki pulled her close to his chest, unbuttoning the back of her dress and untying the ribbon that held it on her body. As the dress fell to the floor, Loki whispered, "Yes?" Freya nodded.

Loki and Freya were both completely nude now, save for Freya's undergarments. "Did you lock the door?"

"Freya, mood killer."

"You know your brother doesn't knock."

"Fine, dear. I locked it."

Freya made a noise of contentment and kissed her lover passionately, her tongue flicking at his bottom lip. Loki granted permission for her tongue to enter his mouth. The passion and the pace sped up, as Freya moaned softly. "Do you think you can take me, my love?" Freya nodded, unable to form coherent sentences. Loki nodded, looking her in the eyes as he nudged himself inside her.

She had to bite his shoulder in order to stifle the loud moans that were currently escaping her mouth. Loki changed pace, speeding up as he thrusted against her. "F-fuck..." He trailed off, a thin layer of sweat glistening on his forehead. "You're better than I thought, my love," he whispered.

"Thank you...mmph...Loki~!"

Freya couldn't hold back her moans of pleasure as Loki quickly came inside her. Both of them swallowed each other's moans in kisses as they rode out their orgasms.


At the end of the night, they laid next to each other, still unable to speak properly. "That...that was amazing," Loki whispered. "You were my first..." Freya said equally quietly.

"I would have thought a beautiful and kind girl like you would have been taken earlier."

"Valkyrie law..."

Loki didn't need any other explanation for that. "Loki?" He turned his head to Freya as she spoke. "What were you originally coming in here for?"

"Oh. Thor wanted to go to Midgard to find Father. But...I found this experience to be much more pleasurable."

"Hush, you," Freya playfully swatted Loki's arm. Loki chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Well, you seemed to be enjoying it just fine." Freya blushed and whispered, "I hate that you're right." Loki smiled and held her close to his broad chest. "I love you, my Valkyrie."

"I love you most."

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now