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Freya's heart shattered all over again. The Avenger that had been a mother to her. The Avenger that had been there for her in the hardest of times. She was gone. And she knew that the others weren't coming back.

As Freya sat outside with Clint on the docks, Tony came out and said, "We're about to do the snap." Freya patted his back and got up, Clint following behind her.

They went into one of the many labs in the compound, the stones on a homemade Nanotech gauntlet that Tony had made. "Now the question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?" Rocket asked. Thor immediately stepped forward and said, "I will." Everybody heavily protested and Thor claimed he was strong enough to do it, he wanted to help but Tony interjected, "You are in no condition to--"

"Stark, you know what is coursing through my veins this very moment?"

"Cheese Whizz?" Rhodes snickered. Freya shot him a side look as Thor answered, "lightning!" After much debating, they decided that Bruce would be the one to snap. He was strong, and the Nanotech gauntlet practically radiated gamma energy. It was made for him, essentially.

Bruce put the Guantlet on, which that in itself was hard enough. It almost disintegrated his arm, but Steve told everyone not to get involved. Bruce could still answer if he was okay or not, and then after a moment, he snapped.

Everything was peaceful.

Birds were singing again, and the day seemed a bit brighter.

Clint's phone rang, and he saw the caller ID was his wife...Laura. He picked it up, a lump in his throat. "H-Honey? Honey?" He asked, still in disbelief that it had actually worked. The first thought that entered Freya's head was, Loki?

She walked around the compound a bit, before she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Freya turned around quickly to find her Loki standing behind her with a smile on his face. His eyes were a bright green. "Loki--"

"My darling."

She jumped into his arms, knocking him back a bit. "I'm here, I'm here." He whispered, holding her in his arms as she cried tears of happiness.

Their moment of peace came crashing down as bombs were dropped into the compound.

The compound was destroyed, and Loki was barely holding up some of the building. He held it just enough for Freya to get up and get the Avengers out. An alternate version of Thanos' army was facing them. "Shit," Freya muttered as her and just the team and Loki faced them. "What are we gonna do?" Loki asked. "I don't--"

It was then the familiar view of Dr. Strange's portal began to open.

T'Challa, the Black Panther and the army of Wakanda stepped out first. Then came Dr. Strange, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Then Spiderman came slinging out, facing the army as well. Brunhilde came flying out on her winged horse, Warsong, and Hope Van Dyne, the girl Scott had brought up, came flying out in her suit. Steve somehow summoned Mjolnir, and yelled, "Avengers!" Everyone looked to him for further instruction.


Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now