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Freya was changed into a skimpy golden dress with a large slit up the middle. The dress was backless, so she let her wings out to breathe. It felt good after having them cooped up for so long. Brunhilde walked her in the main hall. "Sir, I brought in a new one." A man with face paint and colorful robes turned to face them. "Ah, Scrapper 142, you've done just such an amazing job! And who is this pretty little lady? She looks delicious!"

"Grandmaster, her name is Freya. She's Asgardian."

"Oh, gee! That's so funny, we already have one of those."

Brunhilde whispered something in his ear that made his eyes widen. "Bring her to him, then. He's in the party hall." Freya looked confused but didn't say anything as Brunhilde led her to the party hall.

There, across the room, she saw her Loki drinking and chatting with some other people. She could hear him talking about 2012. New York City. She walked over and touched his shoulder gently, making him look behind him. His eyes widened when he realized who was behind him.

"My Freya! I didn't think I'd see you again," he hugged her. Freya kissed his neck as she felt Loki run his fingers through her feathers. Their tender moment was soon ruined by a blue skinned woman purring, "Lokes, who is this, sugar plum?" Loki spun to face her and hissed, "Cookie, go! Leave us!" The woman named Cookie huffed and left.

Freya's cheeks turned hot. "Who the Hel was that?" She hissed. She hadn't used that tone since New York. "Just...just a woman..."

"Loki Odinson. Look at me."

She took his chin in her hands so he was forced to look at her. "Being around you has taught me very well to detect lies. Don't try." Loki seemed to panic as he sighed and looked at her. "I'm sorry, Freya. were gone for so long, time moves far differently here..."

"And so you got bored? Found a new toy?"

"My love, she meant absolutely nothing to me."

"But you fucked her anyways."

Loki sighed and shook his head. "I never fucked her." Freya tilted her head to the side, as if she didn't believe him. Loki took her to a private corner of the room. "Freya, my darling. You know I'd never be with anyone except you."

"Do I? I mean after all, I was gone for so long--"

"Freya Sørendottir. You have to trust me. I know those words coming from a Lord of Lies are hard to believe, but for the sake of us, our safety, you have to believe me."

Freya huffed. "Fine. But if I find out you fucked each other, we're done. And I won't be crawling back to you." Loki nodded, and Freya let go of his wrist. "Did you meet the Grandmaster yet?" Loki asked.

"Yes. He's...he's a bit of a pervert."

"Don't let him hear you say that," Loki chuckled quietly. Freya scooted closer to him, holding onto his hand. They traveled to the main room and heard a low voice yelling. "Loki! Loki!" It was Thor. "Thor! Oh my god!"

Freya hugged Thor, who was currently bound in a chair by metal cuffs. "Get me out of this chair!" Thor hissed, mainly at Loki.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I can't!"

"Where's your chair?"

"I didn't get a chair--"

"Boys!" Freya hissed, distracting the Princes. Of course, the Grandmaster chose to come over in that moment. "Heyyy~...what have we here? A little lover's quarrel?" He asked zestily. Both Thor and Freya both gagged. None of them had feelings for each other except pure sibling feelings. Loki barely managed to say politely, "No, there is no sort of quarrel, good sir. Just a bit of a... misunderstanding."

The Grandmaster nodded and walked off, making both Loki and Freya shudder. "C'mon, darling. There is some stuff I must catch you up on."

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now