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The Guardians, Thor and Freya fought valiantly against Thanos and Loki, Thor leaving Loki to Freya. He knew deep down that she would be able to take him. Loki had Freya pinned down, a newly gifted scepter sans the Mind stone pressed against her chest. "You've fought bravely. But to no avail, you and your friends will be slaughtered."

"Even your brother, hm?"

"That oaf? Ha! I'd rather see him dead."

Freya scoffed, not wanting to believe the words that were coming out of her Loki's mouth. "Kill me, if you must, but do not kill Thor."

"Why? Have you grown soft towards him?"

"He's my best friend."

In that moment, Freya saw swirls of emerald green fight against the blue in his eyes. And the green was winning as tears rolled down Loki's cheeks. "So was I." He whispered, holding her close to him. Freya didn't want to let her guard just happened. She wrapped her arms around her and then, a moment later, dearly paid the price for it.

He threw her on the ground, punching her over and over until Freya was beginning to see a bright light.

My daughter...

Queen Frigga?'re dead...

I am, my darling. I dead?

Not yet, dear. But you are close.

Loki...he never meant to hurt me, or anyone.

I know, Freya. But you must remember that Loki is not the same.

He'll be okay, right?

That I cannot disclose, my dear. You are strong. You will survive.

You will survive. Those words echoed in Freya's head as she somehow woke up. When she opened her eyes, Loki was on the ground, Thanos was gone...and so was Gamora. This wasn't good. It meant he probably knew that Gamora knew where one of the Infinity stones were. Hel, at least Loki seemed to be subdued for now.

The Guardians and Thor shoved Loki back into their ship. Freya volunteered to stay in the back with Loki, and the group reluctantly agreed. Thor didn't really have an issue with it, he trusted her with him. The others? Not so much.

"Well, this seems all too familiar," Loki commented dryly. "Yeah. You fucked up again," Freya sighed. "But it wasn't my fault," he pleaded, though Freya could see the blue in his eyes.

"Loki, I know he's controlling you. But you can't keep up all this innocent lovey dovey shit. Thor's on the brink of basically saying 'screw it' and abandoning you."

"But he doesn't look it--"

"I know. That's what eavesdropping is for."

For a second, the green returned to his eyes. "Sneaky little minx," he smirked. Freya couldn't help but smile, and then she felt a sudden rumble on the ship. "Thor, is that...normal?" She asked.

"No... we're being invaded."

It was then she saw the Avengers run into the ship, and Peter had a lazer gun pointed to a teen's head. "Alright, everybody stay where you are, chill the eff out." He pointed to Tony. "Alright, I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?" Tony scoffed.

"I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?"

Drax interjected, "I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?" Peter held the teen closer. "You don't tell me where she is, I'm gonna French fry this little freak."

"Alright let's do it, you shoot my guy, I'll blast him, let's go!"

"Do it, Quill. I can take it."

Mantis whimpered, "No, he can't take it!" The sorcerer from New York City said, "Alright, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" Peter chuckled and said, "What master do I serve, what am I supposed to say, Jesus?"

"You're from Earth?"

"No, I'm from Missouri."

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit."

"So you're not with Thanos?" The sorcerer asked. "With Thanos? No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl--wait, who are you guys?" The teen deactivated his helmet and said, "We're the Avengers, man." Mantis gasped and said, "You're the ones Thor told us about!" Tony looked to her. "You know Thor?"

"Yes, Stark. I'm right here."

Tony gasped softly as Thor came out of the shadows, along with Freya. "Freya, Thor. Is Reindeer Games here too?" He asked. "Yes. He's being controlled by Thanos again." Freya kept a close eye on Loki, while Thor restrained him. The teen, who was also named Peter, said, "Oh crap! You're Loki! Like, from the mythology. Does that mean you gave birth to--" Thor cut him off. "He did not give birth to an eight legged horse, spider child." The sorcerer, Dr. Strange, hissed, "We just gonna forget about Thanos here? He's still out there." Tony rolled his eyes and replied, "No shit, Sherlock."

"Stark, I swear to God--"

"Shut up!" Freya yelled. They looked around warily as she heard a noise come from outside. "He's here."

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now