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When Freya opened her eyes, she was on a ship. Laying on some sort of table. She caught her breath when she saw Thor walking around...but was immediately let down when she didn't see her Loki. "Thor..." She barely managed to croak out. Thor immediately saw her and ran to her. "Little sister...what..."

"Loki's gone, Thor."

She teared up just saying those three words. Thor's eye widened and he put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Freya shook him off. "It was real this time. No faked death, nothing. He's gone." Thor backed off, not wanting to push her over the edge.

A few moments later, a green skinned woman with dark red and black long hair knelt beside her. "Hey. I'm sorry for what happened to him." Freya sniffed and asked, "Who are you?" The lady responded, "My name is Gamora. Over there, that's Groot. He doesn't say much other than I am Groot. That's Rocket just there, that's Peter Quill, just call him Peter, that's Drax and Mantis, and that's Nebula." Freya gave a small wave to each of them, then turned to Thor again.

"Is he really gone?" Thor asked. "Yes. I saw him die. I heard his neck snap in two." Thor's face turned into a furious expression. "He will die for that." Thor, noticing that Freya had an angry expression on her face as well, placed his hands on her shoulders. "I will be the one to do it, little sister."

"No. I want to look into his eyes as the life fades from his body. I want him to feel agonizing pain as a reminder of what he did to Loki."

Freya noticed Gamora was in the corner, pacing back and forth slowly. "What's with her?" Freya asked. Drax said quietly, "Thanos is Gamora's father." Freya's eyes widened with rage and she started to run towards her. "Your father killed him! He killed him!" She wasn't able to get to her though, as Peter stopped her. "Stepfather, technically, and she hates him as much as you do. She wants him dead."

Freya swallowed and quietly apologized. "It's okay. I understand why you were so mad," Gamora matched Freya's height and patted her back. Peter interjected, "So you two are Asgardians? Where's Asgard, then?"

"Gone. Destroyed and shattered by Surtur the fire giant. Because of my sister. I had to suffer through my mother's death, then my father died, telling I had a sister, the Goddess of death."

Peter and the rest were a bit astonished that Thor and Freya were talking about this so casually. As Peter and the team were talking to Thor about a plan, Freya stood aside with Gamora. "Promise me something, Gamora."


"Promise me I'll be the one to kill him."

"You have my word," Gamora responded, talking in a more quiet tone of voice. "Where do you think he is?" Freya asked, all business. Somehow, Thor overheard and answered, "He took the Power stone when he was on Morag, he got the Space stone from the Tesseract when he slaughtered half of my people, the Mind stone is on Earth, safe with the Avengers--"

Mantis interrupted, "Who are the Avengers?"

"Earth's mightiest heroes."

"Like Kevin Bacon?"

"Ehh, he might be part of them now, I haven't been there in a while. The Reality stone is safe with the Collector, and well, nobody's ever seen the Soul stone, so it would only make sense he would go after the Reality stone."

Peter added, "If it's with the Collector, it's not safe."  Freya narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean, it's not safe? Lady Sif and the Warriors Three themselves--" She was interrupted by Thor. "Freya. They know the galaxies better than we do. It's better to let them talk." Freya swallowed her rage and sat back down. "So, we think he'll probably go after the Reality stone. And that's in Knowhere."

"Which is probably decimated by now, if Thanos indeed went after the stone."

"Probably," Peter shrugged. Freya stood once more. "If he's there, I will kill him. I will avenge Loki, and I'll make sure Thanos feels the pain he's caused me."

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now