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The next morning, Loki and Freya both awoke early. Especially Freya. Loki didn't know it yet, and she didn't want him to know, that in the middle of the night, she had changed Thor's name on the fight lineup to her. She was going to be fighting the champion.

She was beginning to rethink what she had done when one of the Grandmaster's lackeys came in, requesting Freya. Loki scoffed. "What could you possibly need her for?" The lackey replied with, "She's on the fight lineup with the Champion. We must get her ready." Loki gave them one look that told them to wait outside.

"Freya, why the Hel would you do this?! Do I mean anything to you?!" Loki asked, with more concern than anger. "That's a silly question. You know you mean the world to me. But Thor also does. I'm saving his ass by doing this!"

"Why couldn't you have talked to me? We could have--"

"Could have done what, Loki? The only way we could get Thor out of that fight was for one of us to replace him. And I'm the one with wings."

"There is no way I'm allowing you to do this, Freya. I love you too much to lose you. Again."

"That's not your call to make. I made sure the Grandmaster gave you front row tickets so you can see me. Watch my safety."


"I have to go now, Loki. I'm sorry. I love you."

She walked out the door without further room for argument. Loki tried running after her but the lackey blocked him from seeing her.

Just some time later, Thor ran to Loki's suite. "She removed my name from the line up! Loki, did you know about this?" Thor asked, worried about his friend's safety. "She told me this morning. Thor, I don't care how strong she is, she isn't a goddess and she could die!" Loki said, on the borderline of tears.

"When is the fight?"

"In...ten minutes..." Loki trailed off, scared for his beloved's life. They both ran to the arena, managing to score a spot in the VIP box. Thor tried in vain to calm Loki's nerves.

A hologram of the Grandmaster appeared in the center of the arena. He said something about applauding for the dead competitors, but Loki nor Thor didn't hear any of it. That was until he brought up Freya. "Please, have a big round of applause for our newest competitor, Angel!" Freya scoffed and thought, Again with the nicknames...Then, a moment later, she saw a giant green monster break out of the way.

It couldn't be.

But it was.

"I give you...our incredible...Hulk!"

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now