Chapter 2

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For now though she's my best friend my overly sweet, always happy, sunshine in her pocket one of a kind best friend that I will never replace they say people can't be replaced she's I dead one of those people because there's no Layla and there's no Cas I mean she helped me though the darkest time of my life and for a child that was hard but she was there as always and being positive about everything she's truly one of a kind

After lunch we had to get to class we have two classes together one of them is my this subject is not my favorite though it's t history I'm the smartest in the world but I'm pretty smart I think I get that from my dad from stories he was a smart person with a huge future

' you get an A regardless' Cassie says as we are walking together' even though I get an A doesn't mean I like his class he's work is just easy' I said Cassie chuckles. ' everything is easy for you'

Yeah but feelings and everything else is hard if only she knew god if she knew I sigh 'yeah but he's class still sucks' we convinced walking to class heading in. ' afternoon Howard and Miller' our teacher said greeting us ' afternoon Mr. Mathews'. Cas said putting her stuff by her desk ' how was your weekend?' He asked me he knows I don't like him as much but yet still his favorite somehow trust me I don't get it makes no fucking sense to me at all ' fine as usual ' I said. '. That's good you liked the extra credit?' I nodded my head 'easy as pie' I said smiling I sat next to Cassie and class started

This may not be my favorite but it's her favorite history and Art her two favorite subjects and electives me onthe other hand is English and I fake this creative writing elective I love since one day I want to become an author and a songwriter that's my dream and travel everywhere or live in NYC happily and have a place to you know start over but still have my friends in my life there's no me without them

After school me and my friends go to our favorite place our favorite Cafe type coffee shop my aunt runs it so we can stay as long as we want and it's just my safe space at-least one of them ' sawyer you know damn well we aren't going to do that' Blake says
' oh come on who doesn't want to go to a museum' sawyer asked Riley looks at him ' sawyer when we said we want to do things doesn't mean something boring' Collin says sitting down

'You have a better idea?' He asked looking at the three' a party!' Riley suggested me and cas walked in 'what party?' Cas asked getting excited ' Riley is suggesting we should go to a party for something fun' Sawyer says
Giving her a look ' well it's better than the art museum' she says before they can even start. Blake breaks it up

' how about the arcade?' Blake said
'We've been there slot' I said 'and Cassie gets upset when she doesn't win' her face was offended 'hey that claw machine is fucking rigged not my fault I was expressing my feelings' Cassie defends herself ' we almost got kicked out' Collin says 'expressing my feelings' she says once more

' we could just google places' Blake says ' yeah shit. Expansive' I said
' Santa Monica Prier?'Riley said everyone got silent for a second everyone thinking ' that's cool' everyone said at the same time
'Great we can go on Friday' Riley says smiling 'in that case I'm driving' Sawyer said ' why you?' Cassie asked
' Because Cas I have bigger car then all of you and it's either me or Collin' we looked at Collin

' alright fine' everyone agrees we continued talking getting along drinking whatever and just being us Cassie laughing and smiling as dual that brings me joy, Sawyer and Riley slight bickering being cute snd the boys talking about sports we are imperfectly perfect

After an hour we went home Cassie went to my house I live with my aunt she's has been my legal guardian since I was 10 years old things were getting heated with my mom and she saved me thank god she's my second mother I love he me and Cassie are in my room on my bed cuddling in a friend way watching videos

' okay that girl asked for that' I said she made me watch the summer I turned pretty it's driving me crazy but it's payback I made her watch heartstopper and the whole fnaf lore with me so it's even

' I know belly not that smart' she says I looked at her' not smart at all it's makes no sense she's trying to pick over two guys that are brothers she's ruining a whole family '

' yeah if you really love the person then go for that person because then you'll be at peace knocking that person and don't have to be in crazy teen mess' she says
' you right' I said as we watched more episodes im still thinking of what she said but it's not that simple liking your best friend is not dimple it's hard because it can make or break I don't want our friendship to break up I love her too much for that

So now my peace is fine but inside right now I'm dying.

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