Chapter 16

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Layla hair and outfit

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Layla hair and outfit

Years and years of a crush I did not think was going to happen, the king tension,the jealousy and the fear of a friendship ending it's finally happened a day I haven't thought of actually that i just kissed my favorite person in the world she's my world it's our world After the kiss Cassie hands were rested on my shoulders our foreheads are together smiling looking at each other in the rain

' do you know we are very wet right now' Cassie says I chuckled a little
'Yeah' I kiss he once more 'but your worth it' I said smiling again

Layla's first-person perspective:

After the rain-soaked kiss, Cassie and I stand together, smiling in the gentle drizzle. The weight of unspoken feelings finally lifted, replaced by a shared understanding that felt like coming home.

Cassie, her eyes reflecting a mix of joy and curiosity, ventures, "So, how are we going to tell the others about this?"

I chuckle at the simplicity of the question. "Turn around, Cas," I suggest.

As Cassie complies, she catches sight of our friends, Sawyer, Riley, Blake, and Collin, watching with eager anticipation. I can't help but smile at the mix of emotions on their faces.

"Sawyer, Riley, you can stop pretending you're not thrilled," I call out, my tone teasing.

Sawyer grins, unable to contain the happiness. "Finally! Took you two long enough."

Riley adds, "Yeah, we've been waiting for this."

Meanwhile, Blake and Collin exchange satisfied glances. "The wait is over," Collin remarks, a sense of relief evident in his voice.

With our friends now fully aware of the shift in our relationship, Cassie and I walk towards them, hands intertwined. Sawyer and Riley, unable to hide their joy, shoot us triumphant grins.

Sawyer, ever the joker, quips, "Well, it's about time! We were starting to think you two needed a manual on confessing feelings."

I roll my eyes with a playful smirk. "Oh, sorry for the delay. We were just ensuring it was as dramatic as possible for your entertainment."

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