Chapter 9

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Layla hair and outfit

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Layla hair and outfit

As Layla was engrossed in her reading and music during her study period, she was interrupted by the dynamic duo, Riley and Sawyer, who seemed to be on a mission to convince her about something.

"A party, really, guys?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at them skeptically. They exchanged a glance, clearly trying to be persuasive.

"Come on, Layla," Sawyer chimed in, "they're playing Chase Atlantic, and you know they're good!"

Riley shot Sawyer a look, clearly unimpressed. "Are you guys even going to be there?"

They nodded enthusiastically, which made me sigh in response. "Fine, I'll think about it." I gathered my things and headed to English class, needing to hand in my essay since I'd finished it early.

As I left, I overheard Riley's incredulous words to Sawyer. "What the actual hell? Chase Atlantic? And foot?"

Sawyer tried to defend his choices. "I was just trying to think of things that might convince her to go."

Riley, not convinced, retorted, "You could have just mentioned Cassie. She'd agree in an instant. This is why I should have taken over the talking." With that, she walked away, leaving Sawyer shaking his head in amusement and mild exasperation.

At her locker, Cassie listened as Collin and Blake tried to persuade her to attend the party. She was busy rummaging through her things, searching for her Japanese textbook.

"A party? Really, dude?" she quipped, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Blake stepped up, a grin on his face. "Come on, Cassie. When was the last time you let loose and had some fun?"

Cassie chuckled, recalling a memorable past party. "The last time we partied, Riley got tipsy because she thought her drink was sprite and, well, things got messy."

Collin, trying to keep things light, chimed in with his own memory. "Oh, I remember that. It was a night to remember, like the girl in the red dress with the..."

Blake shot Collin a look, realizing he was about to get off track. "Anyway, Cassie, Layla will be there. You know she's the designated driver."

Cassie raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming. "I thought Sawyer was the designated driver?"

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