Chapter 14

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Layla hair and outfit

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Layla hair and outfit

Well um I just..almost kissed my best friend k mean who wouldn't see that coming the tension we were literally holding eye contact it was destined to happen in that moment still shocking this may or may not break our friendship and I can't let that be in jeopardy

After that charged moment, sleep claimed us, but the tension between Cassie and me lingered in the air like a silent echo. Morning arrived, and without exchanging a single word about what almost transpired, I slipped away from Cassie's place before she could register my departure.

As I entered my home, Collin greeted me with the typical sibling curiosity. "Hey, you're home early."

I sighed, not ready to unravel the complexities of the night. "Listen, I don't want to talk right now."

He furrowed his brow, concern etched on his face. "Why? What happened?"

I shook my head, the weight of the unspoken moment heavy on my shoulders. "I can't say right now."

His concern deepened, but I redirected the conversation to more manageable territory. "Are you still going to the arcade with our friends?"

A glimmer of assurance surfaced. "Of course, I am. I'm just confused right now."

"Okay, talk to you-" Collin began, but my closed door cut him off. Confusion etched across his face, he retreated to the kitchen, leaving me to grapple with the aftermath of a moment that felt both inevitable and uncertain. What lay ahead for us, and could our friendship withstand the silent tremors of what almost was

In the vibrant chaos of the arcade, Cassie and I navigated the unspoken tension with a practiced dance of avoidance. As she busied herself securing tickets for our gaming adventure, I took charge of the equally vital task of ordering sustenance for our mission.

"Layla, make sure to get something that won't lead to a gaming disaster," Riley chimed in, the mischief in her eyes hinting at the true purpose of her words.

Sawyer, always ready for a sarcastic remark, added, "Yeah, Layla, we can't have a joystick malfunction due to a greasy controller."

I rolled my eyes, deciding to play along. "Don't worry, I'm a pro at picking arcade-friendly snacks. No gaming casualties on my watch."

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