Home has been wrecked (the BETRAYAL)

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Am on my way to the market to get some groceries.My husband maybe wealthy but I want to keep a low profile.My son Matteo is very sick,I hope the soup am making will fight those monsters making my son sick.

Darmn I love my son.He is my one and only.Am so happy he got my Latino genes, and his father's American Gene.My son is a walking image of our love.I would never trade anything for my family.I am finally home to make him some soup.

But the house was very quiet,I told my loving husband Andrew to watch over Matteo while I ran to the market.
That man better have not gone to work and leaving our son.I came to my son's room but didn't find him.I went to my husband's room,he wasn't there.Strange,as I didn't find any of them in the house, and worse I didn't find their belongings.

I panicked, what if they were kidnapped?I called my friend pamila who rushed over .

Melissa:(anxious)Pam ,I can't find my husband and son!why are you silent?
Pam:Lisa, your husband ran away with your son and his mistress.
(That was enough to make me black out and go to heaven,but the devil being so cruel wouldn't let me.)

I woke up in bed,my best friend gave me water.

Lisa:who did this to you?
Pam(sighs) earlier I was working at the diner across your house when I saw Andrew putting his stuff in the car.I asked if you guys were going for a trip,I was stopped by a blonde sophisticated woman who held your son.I became furious because I had seen her with your husband,do you remember I told you about her.Your husband said he was her co-worker,but he was actually his mistress.

(Tears streamed down my face)
The woman confessed to your husband's dismay,I wasn't going to let them take your son away.I fought with them,but Andrew threw me down.They took off with your son.I looked for you everywhere but didn't find you.I called you,but your phone was switched off.(Pam started crying)
Am sorry for failing you.

(I hugged her tightly as we both cried)
Lisa: it's not your fault,you tried your best to save your godson,my son.we will find him.


The next two days Pam and I searched for my son but failed miserably.I couldn't help but cry.My husband betrayed me and worse took my son.It started raining.I knelt down in the rain.

Lisa:(crying)why did you do this Andrew!you cheated on me and stole my son!my own flesh and blood.why are you so cruel to take him away,was cheating not enough! did I offend you?tell me and I will do anything for you to forgive me but please give me back my son.GIVE ME BACK MY SON!!!

Pam pulled me up as I wept.I did everything for Andrew,I went against all my desires to be with him.I left my own family! He BETRAYED me so cruelly.I couldn't sleep that night,he took everything away from me.He left me penny less,but I didn't care, I just wanted my son.

Few days later,I still couldn't find him.I was kicked out of the mansion and had nowhere else to go.Pam took me in but I only burdened her.I have always wanted to help Pam financially but she had always declined.I decided to look for a job but I couldn't find one.

One day,helping out at the diner,I never thought I would see the people whom I had abandoned to be with Andrew.My parents.Pam and I came to them.I looked down in shame.

I was brown skinned just like them.I had my mother's facial features and my father's hair and height.I was taller than the average woman.Just like my son ,I was a walking image of my parents.

Selene: (anger)it's good that your friend, called us,or we wouldn't have known what you were going through. Do you hate us that much?(tears filled my eyes)
Lisa:mom,I ..
Selene:save it.You probably don't care about us.I shouldn't be surprised,after all you abandoned us for that monster.
Pedro:dear please calm down.

Selene:(anger) I cannot calm down.She left us because of a bastard! She could have at least made it worth it, and found a respectable man.
Pedro:she didn't know that.
Selene (anger)are you defending her? At age sixteen,she eloped with a 20year old after getting pregnant, and you stand here to defend her?Afterall she is Daddy's Little girl, right? You have always spoiled her rotten.Whenever I am stricter on her ,she thinks I hate her.What happened to her,is inevitable but if we had raised her right,we could have reduced the chances of that happening!

(She became silent trying to compose herself)
Pedro: it's all my fault.
Lisa:(emotional) no dad, it's mine.I made that decision not you.I brought shame to you both,after all the love you have shown me.Mom I always thought that you were jealous because I was a Daddy's girl,I didn't know you were actually being strict on me to protect me.

Selene: why should I be jealous that you are a Daddy's girl?It will never change the fact that you are still my daughter nor will it change my status in your life.
Lisa:(crying)I should have realized that.Am sorry to you both, please forgive me.I let you down.
Perdro: you've always been my little girl, but I need you to be the big girl your mother always wanted you to be.I need you to fight.Don't let this define you.

Lisa(crying)I won't dad.I won't let you both down.(my father kissed my forehead)
Pedro:now go to your mother.She was more affected than anyone when you left.go.

I went to my mom and hugged her from behind.She wept softly.My mom and I have always have our differences, Knowing she still cares warms my heart.She turned around and hugged me.My dad held Pam's hand and brought her to join the hug.
My dad hugged us all.I was finally reunited with my parents.

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