The Mother and son bond(camping expedition)

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Lisa's POV
My son came over to me and knelt beside me.He wiped my tears.

Matteo: What's wrong mommy?
Lisa:(emotional)am just so happy you are here, seeing how much your grandma is spoiling you is heartwarming, because I know this family is going to spoil you with the outmost love.This is where you belong son.

Matteo:yes, and am never leaving you.just like you won't leave me, right?
Lisa:never.I will always be with little boy.You were always a momma's boy,it warms my heart that you still are. I love you so much.

Matteo:I love you too,mother.
(He hugged me tightly.I loved my baby boy so much.I saw Selina and Felix , talking,it warmed my heart so much.)

Days later,Life was just a bliss.I had my son,my family and my boyfriend with me.I was so content.

Stella had told us about this camping trip.She wanted us to go together as a family.We could never deny her.We wanted her to recover from her loss.

We came to the woods and started our camping expedition.Lets just say,things got Abit complicated,as my son , and Felix started fighting over me.

They were half-brothers which was abit wierd, because I was dating Felix,but they were very close.I just met my son and wanted to spend more time with him,but I also felt bad for bailing out on Felix.

I tried to also spend time, with him which has lead to this sort of tug of literally,Selina thought it was the best idea for them to have a tug of war,to see who would spend the whole day with me today.

My family was divided into two.They started pulling,this was ridiculous because I wanted to spend time with them both,but I can't lie that I wanted to spend more time with my son.

Felix knew that fact, because he intentionally made his team loose.He winked at me before leaving.His teammates didn't complain,they understand his intentions, which earned him more respect from my family.

I was so much inlove with him.He understands that I have to bond with my son.We started the games.I was in a team with my son.I wanted Selina to join us,I wanted her to bond with her brother but she was already paired with Luke.

More like forced to pair with Luke,I couldn't help but laugh at my baby girl as she had an irritated face.She frowned at me, making me laugh even harder.Luke was very annoying,she had her work cut out for her.

Carl was the organizer.Debrah was on a team with Michael, while mom and dad were on the same team.So was pamila and Albert.Stella was paired with Felix.

The first game was a of our doors were tied together with our partners.We started the race, let's just say it ended pretty quickly with my son and I at last place.

Nature decided to make me trip, making both my son and I fall.Even my parents who were literally in their old age passed us.

My son suddenly burst into laughter, causing me to also laugh.It was pretty funny how we fell, literally at the start.

Stella and Felix were first place.Stella was so happy,we couldn't help but smile.She deserved all the happiness in the world.

On our next challenge,we were suppose to climb mount Everest,I mean huge wall.There was a rope to help us.This was for the females.My mom literally passed which I understood.

I have to pass too,but I wasn't planning on letting my baby boy down.We started.We ran to the wooden wall,I felt this sharp pain in my ankle.

I had twisted it,when we fell,I ignored it and started climbing and holding onto the ropes.It ended with me, being at second place as seline stood in first.

Immediately I climbed down,my son rushed over to me to check my ankle.

Matteo:are you okay, mom?
Lisa:am fine dear.
Matteo:I think we should stop,I don't want you to get hurt.
Lisa:am fine.Besides I want to do this with you.
Matteo:the next competition is a race, I can't let you run with me.

Lisa:I will try.
Carl: don't worry I can make an exception.

The race was changed.The males had to carry the females on their backs while running.My son carried me on his back.

The race began and ended with my son in first place.We finally won a round.

We had  competitions like,archery which we both suck at.We couldn't help but laugh at ourselves.Micheal and debrah won that round, thanks to debrah's skills in archery.We then went fishing to see who would catch many fishes.

Let's just say,Matteo and I didn't get any,my mom and dad won that round.I angrily threw all the fish food in the water, only for a huge fish to appear,I was holding the fishing rod, which I ended up getting yanked into the water.

My son jumped into my rescue, literally wrestling this huge fish.He was very strong.He threw the fish into the boat.we didn't enter the boat till it died.

All this while, pamila was recording us .My family burst into laughter behind her.
I chuckled.

We then went for fruit picking competitions where the males climbed the trees to pluck as much coconut at a given time.

One of the coconuts landed on Luke's head,who had landed down after getting third place.

Seline burst into laughter.My son had won, Felix came second.

We then went for eating competition.My son and I started stuffing each other's faces with food,we were having too much fun,that we forgot we were in a competition.

Michael and debrah won with my parents in second place.

We then went zip lining and long jumps which Stella and Felix won.
They also won mud fighting too,but my son won the swimming contest.That water was freezing cold.

I rushed to my son,who was freezing.

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