Arguments(Age differences)

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Matteo's POV

All,my life I have been told most heinous lies about the only person who loved me unconditionally.My mother.

I have hated her for the past 20 years,I was so wrong.I hot mislead by own father and stepmother.My mom had to go through alot of pain and cruelty from the same man,I call my father.

I am so happy,am not following in his footsteps as a business man.I live for my mom and family now.leticia the evil bitch that she is cut off my college fundings,to my happiness.

I know this meant trouble but I have been working on small businesses, and I have saved up.But my money will soon run out,I need to think of a plan.

My thoughts were interupted,when my phone started bussing with notifications and messages.I was stunned to see that huge sums of money had been deposited into my accounts.

Courtesy of my mother.She sent me a text"please let me spoil you"
She texted.I couldn't help but shake my head amused.I forgot my mom was a billionaire,but still I wanted to stand on my own two feets.

Matteo:who am I kidding?I have been fed with a silver spoon all my life.The only time I can be independent,is when I finish doctering school,but for now, it's all mamma.

I can't stop her from trying to help out in my life,what she doesn't know is that,she already has an impact on my life.She gave birth to me, and showered me with unconditional love, during my early years.

I still remember those memories,at just four years old,that tells you how special those moments where.That time,it was just mom,dad and me.We lived happily until my disgrace of w father,cheated on mom, and stole me away from her.

My mom, really suffered Alot,am so happy that she has found happiness in our family, and with Felix.Felix,my own half-brother,wierd, because he is going to be my stepfather.

What a small world, seeing how my mom's eyes lit up,when he proposed to her,had me on tears.My mom deserved all the happiness in the world and I couldn't be more proud of Felix and my family.

My mom deserves the best,and am heavily going to help in doing that.Sorry Felix,but am her son ,first.I chuckled at my jealousy.

Felix's POV
We were have a meeting with some business people, including selina ,my sister and my beautiful fiance, Melissa.

I felt Abit uncomfortable seeing as one of the business men,was flirting with her,while the others stared intently at her.It was all fun and games until she started flirting back .

I saw red.The meeting soon ended,I became quiet.My sister left with the business people.My fiance came to me

Lisa's:aww,you look cute when you frown(She giggled.I got up angrily)
Felix:What the hell,was that?
Lisa: don't be rude, remember am older than you.
Felix:you always use the age card.
Lisa: it's often because am messing with you,but you should know better.

Felix: okay fine,how do you expect me to respect you,when you are parading yourself like that.(I spat angrily,shit,her mood changed.)
Lisa:(anger) parade , myself like what?
Felix:I didn't mean it that way.
Lisa;then what did you mean?

Felix:Lisa,you are very beautiful and they are your age mates,am scared you will..
Lisa:(anger)enough.They are my age mates ,so what? I chose to be with you ,not them.You know I always use the age card to fool around.Age doesn't matter.So I can't tease my own fiance just alittle bit?

Felix:am sorry that I got jealous .
Lisa:you are insecure , that's the problem.I should be the one rather .
Felix:no, our age difference doesn't matter.
Lisa:then why are you insecure?do you even trust me?
Felix: offcourse I do.

Lisa:then prove it.( With that she walked off.I didn't mean to disrespect her as a woman.I let my jealousy get the best of me.)

That night I came to her door.I was dressed in sweatpants .I was about to knock when her mother approached me.She gestured me to follow her.

I followed her to the kitchen,where her husband was making coffee.Selene sat me down  gentily.

Selene:look, getting together with people with different backgrounds or age is complicated,but it depends on you ,to make it simple.
Pedro:why do you feel insecure? because of your age?
Felix:yes,I sometimes fear that her relating well with older men would cause her to second guess our relationship.

Pedro:then,that means you doubt her love for you.
(I became silent)
Selene: your silence speaks for itself.Let me tell you about our love story.I was born in a rich home.Pedro was a gardener at our mansion.His father was a farmer and his mom ,our maid.I basically grew up with him,just that we were of different class.

My father was very fond of Pedro and helped his schooling to become a mechanic, even though my father protested that he should be an engineer.It was all love between our families until Pedro and I fell in love.

Seline:My father was strongly against us, because Pedro was  a middle class working man, while I was the heiress of millionaire.He wanted me to marry a  business man, because of that he hated Pedro.

Seline: pleading didn't change his mind,my mom supported my father,but it got to a point she realized our pain.She fought against my father, and somewhat got him to accept our marriage.He was there on my wedding day,with my mom comforting him.

Seline:I did my best to make him happy,but the only way was for Pedro to take over his business, starting of,by studying business.I wasn't interested in my father's business,so it had to be Pedro.But I couldn't let Pedro go through with something he couldn't handle,so we declined, and decided to live a simple life

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