Broken Home

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Lisa's POV
We both laid there panting after he released into me.I laid on top of him.Who knew sex at 40 was the best type of sex.

He rubbed my back softly as I fell asleep.I woke to smell of delicious food.Felix stood there frying meat.It was a barbecue.

Felix: good morning Mami.
Lisa: morning dear.
(I loved that he called me mom,to me it wasn't something sexual,it was about love.I am mother, and it's in my nature to care, just like I cared for my son.)

My son is way totally different from Felix.But all I want to do is to love him unconditionally.He served me some rice and meat.He fed me so lovingly.I teasingly bit his finger.

Felix:you know you are
still sore right.
Lisa:I am big girl.
Felix:do big girls screamed"ah Felix please,am your baby girl,fuck me harder"(I playfully punched him as he giggled)

Lisa:well big boys don't say"fuck,Lisa,You are sucking the life out my of dick,I can't."

(I giggled)
Felix:I never said I was a big your baby boy.
Lisa: aww, and I love you so so much.Do you want to me meet me parents?
(He froze.shit,did I go too far)
Lisa:am sorry.

Felix:no, don't be.I thought you would never ask Melissa.(he said happily)
Lisa:oh,I thought you were upset.
Felix:why should I be?You showing me to your parents means the world to me,it shows that you value me.

Lisa: offcourse I do,I love you.
Felix:I love you too.
(We kissed.Lets just say that kiss,lead to round two.The next-day.)

The parents meeting day.Darmn it felt like a valcono eruption and an avalanche was going to mate today.This was even worse because Stella had decided to bring Dustin to meet her parents.

Stella hadn't arrived yet.I came home with Felix, before I could even enter ,my mom showed up.She had a straight face.

Seline: where were you?
Seline: What's his name?
Seline: Felix.
Seline: come in.

This was just the beginning of a disaster.Moments later,Felix and I were sitting in front of my dad, mom,pamila,Albert,Selina and Michael.Micheal shook his head as if it was a taboo to date.

I glared murderously at him, making him ran out.

Albert:do you really have to be scary.
Lisa:you tell me,you are all doing the same.
Selina:am so happy for you mom.
(My dad glared at her)jeez nano,relax,she is a grown woman.

Pedro:she is still my daughter, and you are my granddaughter,so that think I have forgotten about you snooping around with that delivery guy.
Selina:ugh, nano.
Seline:shush dear.
Pedro:how old are you?

Felix:am 20 years old.
Pedro:so why are you dating a woman,20 years your senior.
Felix: it's because I love her.Love has no age.
Perdro:so what if 20 years in your life, old age catches up to her, will be able to deal with her health struggles.

Felix: absolutely.That would even be a good chance to take care of her more and show her how much I love her.
Pedro:do you want kids?
Felix:not really.Whatever God has installed for me,am okay.
Pedro:hmm.What do you think honey?

Seline:hmm.You say all those heart warming things,but your words won't be enough.
Felix:I know that, and don't worry I will prove myself to you guys.

Seline:do you trust him Lisa?
Lisa:I do.
Seline: that's a we need.
Albert:but I will still keep an eye on you.
Lisa:ugh,am a grown woman.

Pamila:yes she is.So you will treat her as such.
(Stella and Dustin suddenly came in.This was going to be quite"interesting")

Stella: family,I want you to meet Dustin,my boyfriend.
(There was complete silence.This family is very overprotective,I can't blame them,after what had happened to me.)
Stella: and also,am pregnant.
(This shocked them.Before anybody could react,Albert punched Dustin.Felix went to hold him back)

Stella: why did you hit him?
Albert:(anger)he impregnated you.
Stella: well I let him,so are you going to hit me,as well.
Lisa: don't say such things Stella, your dad will never hurt you.

Pamila:Why didn't you use protection?
Albert:how can you ask that?She is not even suppose to have sex.
Stella: excuse me,but I am 25years old.You can't meddle in my life
Albert:so you turn against your own father?

Stella:am not turning against you,am upset that you hit him.Voilence is not the key.
Seline:then we will settle this in a civilized manner.
Stella (anger)am afraid it's late for that.

Dustin:Stella you should understand your father,no one wants to hear their kids got pregnant with someone they don't trust.
Stella:well I trust you. Isn't this enough for them?
Pedro:we don't know him, dear

Stella:then get to know him.He is the father of my child.
Pamila:you made a mistake Stella!
Stella:you are not my mom!
(We all stood stunned.Tears came down pamila's face)

Seline:(anger) what is this Stella! I am very dissapointed in you.
Stella (anger)I am sorry that I couldn't be the daughter you all want.
Lisa: nobody is asking you to be perfect.We want you to be your self, and right now ,this isn't you Stella.We are dissapointed.I said I will support you in telling them..

Albert: wait, you knee about this?
Lisa:yes,she couldn't come to you , because she was scared.I know you are scared Stella that they won't accept him.
Stella:it doesn't matter,they have made their decision.

Pamila:(stern)and I can see that you have made yours. you are no longer a little girl, it's up to you.(she walked off,Selena went after her.)
Albert:do whatever you want (he left.)

Dustin:am so sorry.
Stella: let's go, dustin.we are not needed here.
(They walked off.I failed Stella,I failed them all. Part of me was afraid that Stella might go through the same thing I went through.I needed to fix things quick.I won't let history repeat itself.)

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