Doing the "Luke"

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Luke's POV
I woke up,in the middle of the night,to find Selena gone.I realized the front door was wide open, and a few items were on the floor.

I called out to her, and searched the house but she was nowhere to be found.I called her cell,but she had left it here.Suddenly I got a call from an unknown number.

Lena:(crying) Luke,you have to help me.
(I was stunned.My Lena was crying,she needed my help,she was in danger).
Luke:where are you dear,am on my way.

Lena:am in some basement across the street,some two men made a pass at me,I refused them, and now they have me , Locked up in their basement.
Luke:am on way dear, don't panic.
(I said, trying to stop panicking.I ran out of the house.I ran across the street only to bump into a male officer.

Officer:where to,in such a hurry?
Luke:my girlfriend has been kidnapped!! You need to help me find her!
(I yelled).
Officer:calm down sir,we will find her,our chief of police is in the police car,go .

He directed me to the police car.I went over,the window was lowered alittle,so I couldn't see the officer.
Luke: officer! My girlfriend has been kidnapped!
Officer:are you sure ,she is your girlfriend?
(That sounded like a woman,not just any woman...The car glass came down.Selina winked at me.)


(She pranked me!She came out of the car in a police uniform.She couldn't help but giggle)
Selina:did you like my surprise?
Luke:I don't want to talk to you, right now.(I said frowning)
Selina:but Luke.

(I walked off angrily.I nearly had a heart attack.The next day,I completely ignored her,as she got ready to leave.I literally walked in on her with a towel by mistake, and still didn't look at her.

That shows you how much am upset with her.She tried to speak to me,but I walked out of the house.

In the afternoon,after meeting up with my friends,I came to my favorite cafe,I was on my phone when the waitress came to me.I didn't even look at her,I was literally staring at Selina's picture.

Waitress:what would you like,sir?
Luke:a cup of coffee.
Waitress: would you accept an apology bagel,to go with it.

(Okay,I knew that voice.I looked up to see,Selena.She will be the death of me,she looked so cute,in that uniform.)
Luke:what are you doing here?
Selina:I work here.
Luke: okay stop imitating me.
Selina:but it's so fun doing the Luke.

Luke:fun?I nearly got a heart attack yesterday, I thought I lost you.
(I became silent, trying to compose my dear.She sat down beside me, and held my hand)

Selina:you will never loose me ,Luke.I went too far last night, please forgive me.
Luke:you said you weren't my girlfriend.
Selina:I was just asking.
Luke:so are you my girlfriend?
(My ears perked up waiting for her answer, please say yes.)

(My eyes lit up.She acknowledged me,as her boyfriend!)
Luke:so will,you wear the police outfit again?
Lena:in your dreams.
Luke:okay,then am still mad.
Lena: okay fine,maybe once.

Luke:I missed seeing you in the towel,can we do that again?
Luke: don't pretend you didn't intentionally do that.
Lena:I didn't.
Luke:if you say so.(I winked.She sighed dramatically, Making both of us laugh.

Michael's POV
I have been finally called up,to join the national team at the junior level,for 18year olds to 20year olds.I finally had my big break at such a young age,am glad that it wasn't because of my family's wealth but my own hardwork.

I hid the fact that,my aunt was the famous billionaire business woman.I didn't want to get any special priveleges.

My family came to the airport to send me off.My mom hugged me way too much,but it was less compared to my grandpa.Stella and Selina stared at him.

Pedro:I have no favourites.
Stella:yeah, right.
Selene:you girls are safe with me.
(She hugged Selena and Stella)
Lisa:this family is still strong despite the favoritisms.
Albert:there is no favouritism in this family.
Lisa:there better not be.

Pamila:look who is talking,as soon as Matteo walked in,you completely forgot about us.
Lisa:but he is my son.
Pamila:he is my godson too,but you don't see me here, forgetting about my best friend.

Lisa: am sorry for forgetting about you.(she hugged my mom.Debrah walked in.)
Lisa:we will leave you two alone.
(They left us, alone.)

Debrah: good luck.
Michael:I wish ,you could come with me.
Debrah:I wish I could too.
Michael:I will miss you alot.
Debrah:good,then you won't be able to forget about me.(We chuckled.)

Micheal:you are a fiesty, little one, aren't you?
Debrah:you know you like it.
Michael:maybe I do.Especially when I hit you on the head with my football.
Debrah:I dare you Michael,hit me the third time and I swear ,I will use you to mop the pitch.

(I raised my hand in  surrender)
(I leaned in and kissed her.She shyly pulled away.)
Michael:why did you pull away?
Debrah: Your family is looking.
(I looked over to see my family ogling at us with death expression.I raised my hand in surrender causing debrah to laugh)
Michael:jeeZ,just two minutes.
(My family took a step back.)
Seriously? Aunt,not you too.

Lisa:(giggles) okay people, let's go (She took them away.)
Michael:so where we?
Debrah:you are about to miss your flight.
(I groaned.She suddenly kisses me.)
Debrah:now go.

Debrah:no ,go.
(I kissed her, let's just my whole football team,had to pull me away,I kept blowing her ,air kisses.She giggled.My smile dropped when I got a red car from my coach.)
(My team mates laughed.Debrah burst into uncontrollable laughter,which made me smile.It was like music to my ears.)

Just two months more and I get to see her once again.Its going to very long.

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