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Okay, I admit that this was my idea but, I didn't think that Alpha would send me. Yes, pack exchange would help to freshen packs. Blood, minds, get packs that were stagnant and stuck decades in the past to move forward. I recommended enforcers, warriors and Omega's, positions that would do the most good. I was none of those. I was just a random beta with barely the wolf to keep my position and not fall down a rank. But my alpha said that the other packs were not so keen on doing it. So he was going to lead by example. All known packs were put into a database by the council and random generators paired packs to exchange people. Since alpha wanted to lead, we were first to get paired. We got paired with a pack across the country. My flight out had been uneventful thankfully. Most of my things had been shipped, I had two suitcases of things I was wheeling toward the exit of the airport. Supposedly this pack had sent someone to pick me up. I'm almost to the door when I hear my name called.

"Zane Parker?" I turn and see a man striding for me. He's nice and tall very handsome and the grin he bestows on me says he knows he's hot and most people fall at his feet. I just raised an eyebrow as he came to a stop in front of me. "Damn you are even more beautiful then your picture showed." I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks big boy. You must be my ride. Way to be late. Get a bag. Where's your car?" I turn for the exit again. He grabs my bigger bag and strides along with me.

"Parking structure, level three."

"Good, please tell me you don't drive a mini van or some tiny little car."

"It's a very large truck."

"Good. So which errand boy are you?"

"My names Joseph, just call me Joe."

"Just call you Joe, how long till we get to the pack house?"

"Not long." He says. "The pack is gearing up for a big welcome party. My siblings even sprung for a couple pigs to cook. They should be done not long after we get home. So, got a boyfriend and/or girlfriend?" My eyes roll again.

"That's subtle as a chainsaw." I stop just as we get on level three. "Okay I'll nip this in the bud right now. I am not interested, I have never been interested in anyone or dating them because I am waiting for my mate. Feel free to spread it around."

"Wanna shake on it, just to make sure?" I slip my hand into his, there was no spark so I pull my hand out and face the cars.

"Pick one big boy." He chuckles and starts off.

"Right this way sir." The truck we find is a double cab. My things are put in the back, then he tries to hold my door and help me in.

"Touch me and I will break your arm." Men like him always slipped those hands to places that they shouldn't be touching. I knew that my mate would be better behaved then that. I also knew they'd be completely lost to me and not trying to win by some kind of seduction or flirting his way into my pants.

"So, I'm going to guess this... oh lets call it, prickliness, is because you were sent to us and you aren't so happy about it. But I gather this was your idea. So why are you so bothered by the move?"

"I had an idea. One that would benefit all wolves. I wanted to help our people. I was also very happy in my pack. I had a little house, a little garden, a nice job, and no stress. Shows I should have kept my mouth shut. I understand that most every pack is grateful for something that will make us stronger. Every wolf I've seen has thanked me."

"My pack will probably be the same. From what I've gathered they just want to see how the transplant goes over. Make sure that a pack can really accept another wolf they didn't choose. We've only got one worry but I promised my mother I wouldn't spoil the surprise." Oh goody, I thought.

"How about you tell me about your pack lands and the town."

He'd told me the pack was at the house but I wasn't prepared for how full the yard and house seemed to be.

"Fair warning, not only me and my siblings love our family. The pack is very loyal to us I wouldn't react in the wrong way, just so you know." Well that was ominous. Getting out he grabs both of my bags and nods toward the door. Before we even get there it's popping open. Pack pours out and I'm shocked at the pure happy welcome I get. Names are thrown at me and I'm tugged through the large house and out the back door. The sound of a happy pack made me and my wolf very pleased. Around the happy pack were kids, and shifted wolves all having fun. Two men and a shifted wolf head for me. Joe pops up beside me, bag free.

"Mom, dads, this is Zane Parker. Zane my father, Alpha JJ, my mother Alpha Angelica," I smiled politely at the handsome man and the beautiful wolf, "Their mate and my other father, Jason."

"Good to have you. I hope Joe was accommodating."

"Yep just a peach. He reminds me of a golden retriever. Bouncy, happy, wants to lick you all over." That makes them laugh.

"Enthusiastic is what his sister says." A pack member hurries up and holds up a wrap around dress. The wolf shifts and reaches for the dress. But she didn't shift to human only halfway. Some liked their half shapes guess she was one of those. Jason turns and waves. From the pack several came toward us.

"We'll let most of the kids and pack introduce themselves but we'll introduce you to the oldest ones. Joe is part of a set of five." A young woman around my age, a man who looked just like her and Joe, plus two wolves. "These are Calliope, Seeley, you met Joe, then Blake and Andrew. The first three are individual but Blake and Andrew are a set of twins. Come on, I know you don't like too but shift and be nice." JJ says. The two wolves shifted to human and were quickly given wraps to wear. The brief glimpse of them naked made my inner wolf stop and drool. Were those bodies typical family or were they totally and completely out of the norm and so very hot.

"Don't mind them. It's good to have a fresh face." Calliope says.

"If you need anything just ask." Was Seeley's remark. I look at Blake and Andrew. Tall, dark eyes, hair that was the same color their wolves had been. It was a dark gray with flecks of black. Both men said nothing but stared intently at me.

"Be nice." Angelica says looking at them. Both stepped forward toward me slowly. I was expecting hello's or handshakes or something. One kept moving slowly until he was leaning in toward my face. A deep sniff of my skin nearly touching me. I think it was Blake. Andrew did a flawless shift to full shape and began to sniff at my legs.

"Okay, yeah you can stop that." I say and go to take a step backward. Blake's arm shoots out and around my body keeping me close to them. "Right, let go."

"Blake, Andrew back off." JJ says in a snapping command. Blake's eyes flick to the side to look at his father. He gives a slight growl then a whimper. Andrew ignores his father completely.

"Okay, I'm done. Let go and step back or I'll make you." Blake's eyes bore into me, his arms tightening around me. Andrew steps around behind me and leans heavily against the back of my legs and my butt keeping me from moving. Angelica stepped forward. She grabbed her sons arm the same time his nose and cheek gently press against my cheek. A spark shoots through my head making my hair stand on end before falling in a wave down my body. The sensation makes me gasp and jerk in his hold. Andrew dips his nose into my hand and moves so I was resting my hand on his head. I could feel that shivering tingle from him even though I was touching fur and not his skin. Blake holds me tight and begins to lay kisses and licks on my chin and down my neck. That tingle meant only one thing.

They were my mates.

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