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I stood with them pressed into me for several minutes while their family stared in shock and disbelief. I gave a thought to pulling from them but my wolf was in disagreement. The difference in opinion kept me from moving at all. Andrew moves and buries his nose into my crotch. Blake's hand pushes under my shirt. Those movements break me from my frozen stance. A hard shove got enough space between Blake and I to grab his wrist with one hand. I put my other hand between the nose and my crotch and began to push and pull at them.

"Alright. We just met. This is being way overzealous. We are not going straight to the goal right now, especially in front of family and pack. Come on back off." Blake's eyes seem to hold confusion. "Yeah I know we're mates so 'why not' right? I want to know more then your name before we do this." Andrew gives up in the front and goes around to my ass. I get his nose shoved deep between my legs.

"Whoa. Alright let go. This is a firm no." The no seemed to stop them both. Angelica stepped up to Blake's side again.

"He said no. He is your mate but you are upsetting him. I know you don't like people upset with you. He's upset with you. Both of you need to back up." They pulled back a hair. "He said no. You know what that means." Both put space between them and me, stepping to the side half facing the rest but keeping their eyes on me. Why did it seem that they didn't fully understand what I'd been saying. Only the word no got a reaction from them.

"Why don't you go get drinks and sit somewhere." They are told but eyes never leave me and they don't move.

"I know they get a little stubborn and comprehension comes and goes but this is unusual even for them." Joe says.

"He's their mate. All of us, including mom, have fallen down the rungs of importance and he just took top spot. I doubt they move from his side unless they have to go to the bathroom." Was Seeley's reply. I hold up my hands and give a little wave at them.

"Okay, what's up with thing one and thing two? You can also explain what Larry, Mo, and Curly are talking about."

"First, tell me, they are your mates, how do you feel about that?" JJ asks.

"I just met them, they are a little over eager but I've never dated or mated with anyone because I waiting for me goddess given mate. I've never even kissed someone." Both of my new mates step toward me. Faces in awe and grins on their faces. "Uh, No. Stay." I say pointing at the ground where they were. Both faces fell and whimpers were heard. Heads ducked and I got the best puppy eyed plea I'd ever seen.

"You didn't really answer my question." JJ points out.

"Well I am happy to have my mates," Andrew's tail starts to wag and Blake is grinning at me, "That said, I'm not jumping into anything. They are just a hair over eager." A whimper draws my eyes back to them. Blake shifts and both crouch low looking up at me like dogs I had beaten.

"Who wants to have the talk with him?" Jason asks looking at his mates.

"Zane, you see me, I am in half shape, correct?" Angelica starts.

"Yes." Why was that important.

"I can only shift to this, or to my full shape. I have no human shape." Jaw dropped and my eyes went wide. I'd heard rumors but I'd never given them any thought really. Shooting a look to my mates I wonder what this had to do with them. They had shifted to human so it had to be something else.

"When you add that to my biology it has made our twins... more puppy then human shifter." Jason tells me.

"Your biology?"

"My mother was taken and tortured, forceably raped by natural dogs. She got pregnant with me. I really am a dog, at least partly."

"For some reason that blend with my uniqueness in these two makes them more toward natural wolves. They've kept a little more puppy in their personalities. They are the only ones of our kids who are special like this." What? How was that possible?

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