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I wake feeling really hot. I tried to lift my hands but they were pinned under something heavy. Finally prying my sleepy eyes open I look down and have to smother a laugh. I had two full size wolves laying across my body. I was never going to get cold in the winter. It's hard to pull my arms from under them. When I finally get my arms free I give each one a gentle rub.

"While I am happy to be here like this and it's super cute I have to go to the bathroom. But how to wake you up." I give a mischievous grin and lift a finger. Carefully I go to the ear of who I was pretty sure was Andrew. A single finger teasing the fur inside his ear. Wiggle, wiggle. He flicked his ears. Another tease and he flicked his ears again. I stifle a giggle and move to his nose. A bare brush of my finger but got no response. I position my finger and did something I knew was going to be a recurring thing for me.

"Boop." I giggle out as I bumped his nose with my finger. "Boop." I laughed and then did it again. Eyes cracked open and focused on my poised finger. Twirling it in a circle then I went for his nose. "Boop!" I say as I laugh loudly. He wrinkles his nose then snorts on my hand before lifting his head.

"Good morning Andrew." I hear his tail thunking on the bed as he wags it. "Do you usually sleep in full shape?" I ask him. Would he talk to me today? He gives a snort and shakes his head. Okay, I guess I wasn't getting the talking. "Since you are awake I want to tease Blake awake as well." He moves off me and to the side. I start the same way I had on Andrew with teasing his ear. Just like Andrew he only flicked his ear. I move my finger around and get it poised.

"Boop." I say as I give his nose a tap. He didn't stir which made me laugh. "Boop." I say laughing and tapping his nose. His eyes flutter. I get my finger ready as I keep laughing. "Boop." I say. His eyes open and as I go to boop his nose again he jerks his head back and looks at it confused. I can't help but start laughing hard. He stares at my hand like it was going to hurt him. Andrew's tail is thumping in a rapid tempo. Obviously he thought that this was hilarious.

"Good morning Blake. While I liked the cuddles I was getting I need to go to the bathroom." He moves off still looking at my hand oddly. Yep I totally was going to do this a lot. After using the bathroom I go out to find them laying side by side on the bed facing the bathroom. Like faithful bloodhounds. I instantly felt bad for the comparison even if it was accurate. They were men, not dogs, no matter how simple they acted. I just gave a chuckle at them and their lightly thumping tails before getting my bags tipped down and sorted through for clothes. After I was dressed they hopped from the bed and nudged the door open.

"Okay." I say and follow them up to the kitchen. It was full of family fixing food and eating. A coffee table was pushed up to the wall next to the buffet. Two platters were there with a fountain of water. I knew that was for my mates and expected them to go off to eat. But they herded me toward the buffet and huffed at one of the younger crew. He stood from his nearby chair.

"Blake has asked me to tell you that buffet is all you can eat. There's a seat saved for you at the table. If there isn't something you want just shout to the stove they'll make it for you."

"Okay. But why," I turned to ask my mate why he wasn't telling me this but both of them are gone. "Well where did they go?" I ask the young man. he shrugged and sat back in his seat. I just sat down and started eating. I knew when they were back from whatever they were doing because I could feel them close by.

"Blake, Andrew, you know the rules if you want to sit at the table you have to shift to human and put on clothes." It was Angelica who spoke. I felt heat by each elbow and looked to see a mate on either side. It wasn't a natural thing to go to our link and feel them. It wasn't easy to decipher their feelings either. Andrew was a little easier his thoughts were all about me. So he was sitting here because he just wanted to be with me. Blake, while the flow I got from him was about me, there was something else in his thoughts. I tried to focus on it, but I think he felt me combing through because he narrowed the link between us so all I felt was want to be beside me.

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