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A gentle movement was there when I began to wake. My eyes opened and I was looking up at tree tops. Moving tree tops. As I woke more I realized that the pressure under and around me was someone carrying me. Blinking my eyes I focused on the face and saw Andrew. The blanket was wrapped around me.

"Andrew? Why are you carrying me?" I ask. He gives a slight jerk at my voice, not realizing I had woken up.

"Late. Need go home." I looked around, Blake was next to us. He had the basket in hand. Both had dressed but my clothes were tucked on the top of the basket.

"This was a really good day." Blake says smiling at me.

"I'm glad." I was so warm and comfortable. I easily slid back to sleep. The next I wake I'm in a warm bath leaning back against Blake his arms around me. Andrew kneeled next to the tub a rag in hand and was washing me gently. It was to wonderful to stay awake.

When I woke again the sun was shining in the window. My mates, per the norm, were shifted to full shape and laying over me. I noticed that they were careful to lay one above my stomach, head on my chest, the other head on my upper thighs. Neither were laying on my stomach but were around it protectively while cuddling and protecting me. I was just rubbing their sweet cheeks when there was a heavy knocking on the door waking them both. In the nearly five months I'd been here no one, at all, had been down to our room. I could feel the surprise from them. Blake stood and went to the door while Andrew turned and stood over my legs to protect me. I knew that them knowing I was pregnant would make them more protective so I didn't even bat an eye at his behavior. Blake popped the door open. Standing there was a man I was shocked to see. A council member I'd met with about the pack exchange. He looked down at Blake who was now growling at the unknown man. Andrew moved to be between me and the door as well as began to growl.

"Your mates aren't very polite." He says glaring at them.

"I am pregnant. They are protecting me. Can I help you sir?"

"Get dressed and meet me up stairs." He looks between my mates. "You two as well. Human, clothes and upstairs." After turning to leave Blake shuts the door and shifts to human to lock it. He'd never done that before.

"Who was he?" Blake asked coming to sit on the bed next to me. Andrew shifted to human and scooted up to hug me and no doubt feeling better that he could feel I was just fine.

"A council member. Arthur Graves. I met with him about the pack exchanges. It can be the only reason he'd want to talk to me." Getting up I take a shower with Andrew and then dress. I'm watching him dress and thinking about him, how close he was keeping to me. Blake hurried through a shower and out to get clothes. He seemed to be thinking and felt worried as well. I searched our links trying to feel my mates completely but both of them had narrowed their links. That on it's own made me worry and a touch of fear begin. I reach over and grab Andrew's arm and then Blakes. Both looked at me a little startled and quickly moved to put an arm around me.

"Zane, what's wrong?" Blake asks.

"You, scared?" Andrew says.

"Your links are thinned. I can't feel you very well. You've never closed your links. What's wrong?" I ask them. Andrew's link popped wide. All of his emotion was now focused on me and wanting me to be okay. Blake on the other hand kept his thinned. I stared at him waiting.

"Blake? What's wrong?"

"He would never try to take you from us would he?"

"No. I don't know why he would even try that. You've never thinned your link this much. It's nearly closed. I didn't realize until now how much I count on that. I love feeling you right there in my mind all the time. It's such a comfort. To not feel it... if you don't want me to that's okay. But... are you okay?"

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