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After my rocky start I made headway and by the time dark rolled around and families started departing I was firmly accepted into their pack and on my way to knowing them well. Blake and Andrew had followed me the entire time. But I was getting tired and I wanted to go to bed. My dilemma was, what did I do with my new mates? Did they want to claim me? Was I moving in with them or did I have my own room? Looking around I found Jason. He seemed to be the most calm when I was asking about Blake and Andrew.

"Have a good day?" He asks as I get to him.

"I did. I wasn't sure about this move at first but I have to admit that I do feel at ease here."

"Good. Something I can help you with?"

"Well, I was going to head to bed but given," I point a thumb over each shoulder at each man, "my new status and all that entails, where do I go? What do I do? Do they have their own room, or house? Do I move in with them or do I have my own room? Are they going to claim me? Do I initiate that or should I wait? I'd ask them but so far they've only done what I asked of them and not replied to a single question."

"Well, since they are your mates we moved your bags into the basement suite they have. As far as claiming, I bet when you get alone with them they'll take the opportunity. If you aren't ready just tell them that, calmly. They'll wait for you."

"You seem sure about that." Jason chuckles.

"Because I know all my children really well. Just ask them they'll show you their room."

"Right. Okay. Thanks." I turn to my mates. Oh boy, they were hot sexy men and under different circumstances I'd be peeling clothes off as the bedroom door shut. But as the situation was, I wasn't sure if I was ready or not. How would they be during sex? Did they take turns? I would have to claim them both. Would it be more human making love or more doggy style. The mental picture of their big body arching over me as he fucked me made me shiver. I saw their noses twitch and in tandem they step forward and each slip an arm around me.

"Right, uh, how about you show me where your bedroom is since it'll be my room now as well. Does it have a bathroom?" For the first time I got an answer, it was just them nodding but it was an answer. So they were in there. They understood. They were just more natural wolf them most and those didn't talk so Blake and Andrew didn't talk as much as a plain shifter. I'm taken through the kitchen and down the stairs. The basement seemed huge judging by the long hallway. I peeked in rooms as we went. The clinic was first. Storage next. Jail cells for bad little wolves. Then two more rooms that looked like they were set up as hospital rooms. The last door was actually a set of double doors. Blake stepped forward and opened the door.

The room was huge. A king size bed plus a smaller day bed under the window. The nightstands were empty but the dresser had pictures of their family. No clothes anywhere, which is not typical single guy, even I was messy at times. Though they didn't wear much clothes so that probably didn't have to worry about it. A large treadmill sat against a wall. I see folding doors I knew was a closet. The other door must be the bathroom. My bags sat against the wall. A shower and pajamas sounded good. Both of them stripped their shorts off putting them in the hamper in the corner. Both just crawled up the bed, one on each side. The middle was empty and I was suddenly sure they wanted to mate and claim. This was going to be a long night.

"I need a shower." I turn for my bags but Blake jumps up and comes to me taking a hand.

"Why? You just get sticky and dirty again." He says looking at the bed. He had a nice bass voice. The surprise at hearing him talk stopped me for a moment before I could think and reply.

"Because if I am going to mate and claim, I am going to do it clean and fresh."

"You want us to shower for you?" He asks. Most guys I would say that was a question asked from annoyance and wanting to just get in bed already. But that's not the feel I got from him. He was really just curious if I would prefer them clean.

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