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Before I knew it I was at the week leading up to five months along in my pregnancy. Fall was here and winter was coming quickly. My mates were worrying about me giving birth. I was on the count down. I could give birth anytime in the next few weeks. It all depended on the twins. If I'd been having one I'd assume after five months. Since it was twins I knew that I would be early. Most wolves had early labor with multiples. I wasn't worried. We were expecting our first visitors this week. Blake and Andrew both were worried about a stranger in the house with me while I was pregnant. I'd not argued when they decided that one of them would be with me at all times. I was enjoying it because I got all the cuddles I wanted and help to do anything I needed. We were planning out a welcome dinner tomorrow for them.

"No more cottage cheese." Andrew tells me as he hands me a plate with crackers, sliced cheese, salami and carrots.

"Hmm, I'll text Alice she was going to buy a few things for tomorrow night. Do you think the meat we have is enough? We tend to eat a lot of meat and I'm going to be eating most of the sausages I bet." He chuckles. "Blake will be home soon right?"


"Do you think we can go out for a little run? I know it's the twins making me uncomfortable. I am kind of hoping if we go out for a run and stretch out a little that they'll get in a better position."

"Sure." He tells me but frowns a little. I knew what he was thinking, knew how he was feeling through the link. With me so close to giving birth he wasn't sure being out in the woods was a good thing.

"I'll be alright. I don't really want to go far or anything just shifting and take a walk in the woods."

"Go slow?"

"Yes. I promise." That made him happy. He sits next to me while I eat my snack. We're still sitting there, just watching TV when Blake comes in. He's still shifted. Coming straight to me he steps onto the couch and gives my cheek a lick.

"How was patrol? Anything fun happen?" His feelings that floated to me were boredom and amusement. "I was hoping that you and Andrew would go with me on a short little walk in the woods. I need to stretch out and let the babies adjust position they are making me uncomfortable." He nods. Andrew helps me up from the couch and out to the back porch. I steady myself with a hand on Andrews arm. When I finally shift Blake rubs his head over mine. Ducking I run my head under his chin. Andrew comes over fully shifted. I rub my head under his chin as well.

'Okay. Just a short walk.' I tell them. With a little waddle I head for the woods. As a human I had a large stomach that stuck out front and there was no way to hide it. As a wolf I still had a big belly but with the fur and my stomach hanging it wasn't as noticeable. With one mate on each side, close enough for me to lean on one if I needed too, I start my walk. I decided to follow the small stream that wound through one side of the property. As I walk I can stretch my stomach. The twins were moving. I knew from the doctor that it could be them moving into position to be born. I could give birth human or wolf. Most males I knew said birth in wolf shape was easier so I was going with that. The doctor had already warned my mates that, while they could be in the room with me they could not interfere. My mates were very instinctual and instinct might tell them too make the doc stop if they thought I was having trouble because of the doctor. I was going to ask them to lay behind me against my back so I could have them supporting me. Cuddles while giving birth sounded really good.

I wasn't sure which one, or if either of them, would get upset or afraid. To be honest I was hoping they were solid as a rock because I was going too be a basket case I was sure. The only thing I could do was grin and bare it. Who was it that said, if you are going through hell keep going? That was going to be my mantra for this I think. The extra weight on me was making my legs hurt. As much as I didn't want to I was going to have to turn and head back for the house. Andrew steps close so I could lean into him. Blake was watching me. They were both concerned for me,I could feel it.

'I got tired a little easier then I thought I would.' I tell them. We're just exiting the woods when a sharp pain twists in my hips and makes me stumble. They are right there catching me between them so I didn't fall.

'Uh, okay. I think I was so uncomfortable because I was getting ready for labor. But,' I say when they both jerk, 'I'm okay. Pain is starting but I can make it to the house. I may need help getting down to our room though.'

Our walk back was slower then the walk out. When we get to the porch my mates hurry and shift back. They knelt beside me and as I shift back they caught me in their arms. None of us bothered with clothes. They stayed right beside me as we went in, down the stairs and to our room. While Blake held me steady Andrew grabbed the waterproof sheet we'd gotten for this and spread it over the bed. They help me to lay down before I shift back to my wolf. Andrew quickly shifts and lay behind me.

I didn't even have to ask he just did it. Blake hurried for the phone and to call the doctor. Then I could feel him reach out to his family with the knowledge that I was in labor. It wasn't surprising when Angelica and Jason hurry down to us.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me sitting on the edge of the bed.

'It's starting to hurt pretty good. But I'm okay.'

"Good. Is there anything that can help you?"

'No, well yes I guess. My mates. If they will lay and cuddle with me through this I'm pretty sure that will help a lot.' Andrew was already laying against me. Blake shifts and gets up on the bed waiting till Andrew shifts a little so they both are against my back with their heads laying on my stomach. This was going to take hours so I closed my eyes to try and rest while I could.

I'd been in a light sleep for a couple hours when I'm gently shaken awake. The doctor is leaning over me.

"Hi, there you are. How are you feeling?"

'The pains come and go. Right now it's not too bad. Pressure in my hips and back.'

"Alright, I'm going to check you out a little then let you rest for a while more. If the pain gets worse, the pressure constant make sure you call for me. This could be fast or could take forever."

'Okay.' He checked my breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. I was in a normal range, so he left me to rest. My mates never left me, not even for a moment. When a pain made me tense and grunt they licked me trying to soothe me. The harder the pain the more concern I felt from them. To my surprise it was Blake that was having a harder time being calm about this. I had figured, Andrew, who was more soft would be the one that was scared and having a hard time being calm. When I whimpered and went stiff with pain they both tried to help comfort me. I focused on two things, my mate and the babies I was pushing into the world.

When two whimpering puppies were out they were laid against my belly and all I could do was watch them closely. A son and a daughter. My mates stared in awe with me. They both had tears of happiness trailing down their cheeks. Okay, so my idea had been a spectacular one. I found mates and now how cute little babies. I'd have to watch for more ideas. They might bring other blessings. For now sleep and getting the feel of love wafting to me from my mates were the best ideas.

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