01. Familiar faces.

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[ Chapter 01 ]
' Familiar faces. '

     A year. A year since you were teleported into another dimension. A year since you met and made new friends. A year since you 'saved' the multiverse. You had even promised yourself to try all the possible ways to meet them again, and sure, nothing had worked yet but you kept trying and thinking of a way. As for now tho, you were walking through the park near your school with your headphones on, blasting your favorite song.

Not even a second later did you feel yourself groan tho as your spider-senses started tingling once more. To be honest, ever since this morning had started, your spider-senses had been giving false alarms for some reason, which was weird since that never really happened, but now you were quickly rushing into somewhere private where noone could see you to be able to put on your suit immediately before quickly swinging around the area and the city to look for the enemy.

It didn't take long as your spider-senses tingled once again, making your head quickly turn over to the direction where the Prowler was but, it sure didnt feel like it was your Prowler. Nonetheless, you tried to do your job and take this Prowler down but gosh were they strong which, made you struggle alot as you tried to fight them back.

In the middle of fighting, your spider-senses tingled once again but, it was for a different reason this time as your eyes were a little blinded by the sudden flash of color.

As you turned to look at whatever the flash of color was, the Prowler punched you hard making you knockback into the concrete below you, making you wince and groan in pain.

You managed to get a glance back onto the Prowler but not before he was immediately webbed against a wall by someone in which you werent able to see properly as you were still trying to stand up from the ground.

"You okay there?" A voice of a female was heard from your side as you immediately looked up at her and saw a female who had, a suit, like yours, but it was in different colors with different designs?

Immediately as you looked at her she held out her hand for you to reach and grab incase you needed help standing up. Your spider-senses were however going crazy as you eventually grabbed her hand and helped yourself up before thanking her quickly and looking onto the Prowler that was still webbed up against a nearby wall.

"Jessica Drews, just call me Jess." The woman ,who you know knew was named Jessica, introduced herself as she smiled at you before turning away and throwing a cube over to the ground, in which you saw turn into a cage in no time. A few seconds later, you see Jess putting the Prowler into the cage and dust off her hands while she brought her wrist up and started typing something into this watch on her wrist.

Attention, H. Brown .Where stories live. Discover now