08. I'm flattered.

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3:46 ───|────── 4:32[ Chapter 8 ]' I'm flattered

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3:46 ───|────── 4:32
[ Chapter 8 ]
' I'm flattered. '

God this felt like those horrible days sometimes. Hobie woke up in a gentle matress somewhere that he has not been in for a long time. Well. . not that long but still. He was at the infirmary of the HQ of course and he had only realized that when he actually opened his eyes and looked around the room, notiving the interior design. There were other spider people in the infirmary too of course but you or the others werent in sight. Hobie didn't even wait for a nurse to come in or even Lyla to check up on him before he sneak out of his bed and then out of the infirmary onto a hallway where very few spider people were. There were other parts in the hallways but he knew that he'd eventually find you guys if he just kept walking. And so he did, he started walking towards the lobby of course to atleast try and search for you as he had his eyes ready to scan for you guys in a crowd full of multiple variants of basically just, you guys.


When he started scanning the crowd of the lobby, of coyrse you guys were nowhere in sight, even in a lobby filled with multiple spider-people. Hobie, being him just sighed and then moved on to the next location he thought he would find you in, Miguel's office. I mean, you guys did just do a mission, you guys had to have been talking with Miguel or Jessica for the very least!

Hobie was quick with it as he started switching from hallway to hallway, eventually reaching the doors of Miguels office where the door simply just opened to scattered or unfinished projects and weapons around the office except where Miguels desk was placed at, which was of course in the middle of the room along with the hologrpahic cameras and the computers around his desk.

Hobie just decided to ignore this as he started looking at the weapons around the are and sneakily pocketing them before he knocked on a piece of metal in Miguels office, "Anybody home or nah?"

You and the others were just at a random part of the room, Gwen and Pavitr sitting down and tlaking while you and Miles played around with the weapons and other stuff. You guys were waiting for Miguel, until you heard Hobies voive of course, and since the part where you guys were was hidden in the dark, you decided to step out in the light with Miles while you both looked around to see where Hobie was. You guys found him of course, leaning over to a pillar while he flinged some weapon around, just right before he perked up and looked around, his eyes landing on you and Miles while stopping his antics.

"There you both are! I was lookin' for ya guys. Where's Gwendy and big man Pav?" Hobie spoke, as he looked behind you guys to see if Gwen and Pavitr was there, which, they did step out onto the light, both waving to Hobie with a small smile forming on their lips. "You feeling better Hobie? You know, you looked pretty hot when you were beat up to be honest." You said, of course you were joking but, you werent lying aswell as you gave Hobie a sly smirk before you heard him chuckled, "Well beautiful, i'm flattered, really." Hobie replied to your remark as he then returned the smirk making your cheeks have that small tint of crimson red in them while Miles just rolled his eyes at you both. "Well, we're supposed to be waiting for Miguel right now butttt. . . how about this time, we go hang out in Pavs world, after all, he probably has the best universe between the five of us." Gwen suggested as she looked at the four of us with a small smile, putting her hands on her hips while she waited for a response or confirmation from the four of us. "I'm down for anything." Pavitr and you accidentally spekaing in unison as you guys looked at Gwen before looking at each other and giggling to yoyrselves. You dapped each other up and decided to wait for a response from Miles and Hobie. They eventually just shrugged and agreed as Gwen just smiles and starts putting in the code for Pavitrs world. You guys eventually just went through the portal one by one until you guys arrived at Pavitrs universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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