03. Cool apartment.

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2:15 ───|────── 4:22[ Chapter 3 ]' Cool apartment

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2:15 ───|────── 4:22
[ Chapter 3 ]
' Cool apartment. '

     You woke up with a ringing head as you sat up from your bed. Yesterday was a blur and now as you stop the music playing from you phone, you immediately stand up from your bed and stretch as you walked into your bathroom and then started your daily routine like always. You knew you were definitely grounded today as you were now wearing your school uniform. After fixing your uniform, you started walking out of your room and down the stairs just right over to the kitchen to get your breakfast where your mother was clearly waiting for you with a frustrated look on her face as she saw you walk into the kitchen with your back slung over your back.

"You got anything to say about what you did yesterday missy?" Your mother said as her tone was clearly sarcastic and impatient while she looked at your with hands on her hips. "I'm sorry i skipped school mom, i don't have an excuse okay i'm sorry." You said as you sighed and sat down on one of the chairs that sorrounded the circle table in which you had your breakfast jn already and started eating as you tried not to face your mother. "Well you're still grounded." Your mother said as she rolled her eyes with a sigh and then took your phone as you handed it to her.

You finished you breakfast as your mother was watching tv on your living room. You washed your plate and then took your bag as you finished. You started walking over to the front door aswell and opened it before saying goodbye to your mother and walking out of the door with your backpack slinging over your arm.


Now, you were walking through your street over to your school, bored out of your mind as you fiddled with your bracelet and walked through the streets. You felt your head ringing for some reason once again, just like yesterday, making you groan slightly but not before you felt your spider-senses tingle while you were close to your school. You looked around for any danger of course, but there was none so you were currently stuck with you spider-senses that were going crazy. You quickly thought about yesterday tho as maybe it had something to do with that? Or not? Only time will tell.

You just started walking inside your schools gate when all of a sudden, you felt a hand on your shoulder which made you jump slightly as your head started calming down. You quickly turned to see that your four interdimensional friends had decided to visit you, at school. You quickly rushed them out of the school gate and behind a few trees at the forest bedide the school.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?!" You asked them in panic as you frantically looked around to see if anyone saw you guys. "Miguel signed us up for a misson and you weren't answering him in your watch so we decided to tell you face to face that we have a misson and we have to go now." Miles explained as he looked at you and crossed his arms while Gwen confirmed it too. "I have school today, this is the worst time for me to be put into a mission." You said as you groaned and then started looking through your bag where your suit and watch was along with your web-shooters. "School sucks anyways luv, don't even worry abou' it." Hobie, from behind Miles commented while he looked at you. "That's because you're a high school drop out Hobie." Gwen said and rolled her eyes as she stepped closer to you and lead you behind some trees where the three boys couldnt see you guys. She helped you change into your suit aswell which, thankfully didn't take much time. As you finished outtin on your suit, you left your backpack at the spot for a moment. When you got back to the three boys they were already opening a portal to the dimension that you guys were supposed to be going to. "Lets get this over please, i kinda wanna explore (Y/n)s dimension." Miles said as he stepped into the portal along with Pavitr and Hobie in shich, you and Gwen end up following.

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