06. I keep promises.

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2:47 ───|────── 4:22[ Chapter 6 ]' I keep promises

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2:47 ───|────── 4:22
[ Chapter 6 ]
' I keep promises. '

     It's been a couple weeks. You've been living with Miles, fighting anomalies, hanging out with your friends, it's that boring. You have got to have remember this one thing tho, you made a promise to Gwen and Hobie to repay them akter on for saving you that one time. Now, as you thought about something to do or get, or maybe even make for them, an idea pops into your mind to crochet something for them made out of your own very webs. It was a cool idea too, and you told Miles and so Miles, being Miles of course he is more than estatic to help you out in making such a cute idea for a gift.

Miles got the hang of it first and then started to teach you, and you quickly got the hang of it aswell which was great as you had decided to make a bouquet of different colored tulips for Gwen while you had made a bunch of accessories for Hobie instead as you thought he would've liked them more. Miles had decided to make things for himself instead, and you werent surprised as it was Miles of course and you actually find his actions adorable and his overall personality.

It didn't take long before you guys finished making a bunch of plushies for each of your friends. You guys even made your own D.I.Y gift boxes to put the plushies in, but you guys decided to dress up before hopping universes and you decided to wear baggys jeans with a baggy shirt ontop and a jacket. Miles just wore jeans and his jersey with a jumper ontop. After drsssing up tho, you guys quickly took the gifts into your hands before Miles opened up a portal to a universe.


It's not a surprise to have realized that Miles had brought you into Hobies universe and quickly led you to his apartment once again in which you have yet to memorize the way into. Of course it didnt take long for you to hear the loud music coming out of Hobies fire escape window. You could hear that the three were definitely playing Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones and, you actually really liked the song. As you guys went through the window, the three slowed their playing down a little and looked at you both while you guys placed the gifts down om Hobies bed and decided to look at the three as if you and Miles were waiting for some kind of response to be said by them.

"Well hello, what are those and who are they for?" Gwen quickly said as she placed her sticks beside her and pointed over to the gifts that were laid down on the bed. "Hmm, well remember the promise i made when we uhh, absolutely destroyed that one anomaly? Well here are the gifts i decided to make you guys." You answered her question quickly as you took the gifts and then turned around the give the gifts to the three while Miles decided to watch you give your gifts first before giving his. "Oh cool, but like, what are the gifts anyways?" Pavitrs voice rose up from behind Hobie and Gwen while he held the gifts in his hand, looking quite eager to open it and see what's inside. "Just open it you know?" You said with a sly smile as you watched the three finally open their gifts with an amazed looked as they took the crocheted plushies out of the box and held it in their hands. "Woah, luv, where'd ya learn how to make this? 'ts a cutie." Hobie comments beside you as he set his guitar down and decides to go beside you along with the plushie that he held in his hand. "Miles taught me, i mean who else would right?" You quickly replied to Hobies comment and rolled your eyes as you tried to add a little playful kick to your words. "Miles yeah? Big man Miles?" Hobie said, in the most jokingly way posibble as he walks behind you over to Miles and nudges him a little while Miles just rolls his eyes and smiles while he crossed his arms. You decided to sit down on Hobies bed tho as you watched the four chat about their owns stuff, of course, right after saying thank you to you and Miles.

It had always made you feel a sense of calmness just being able to sit down in a bed while your friends around you were able to freely express themselves without having any kind if people to judge them. It was also calming to see that your friends felt comfortable with you enough to act freely and express themselves with you just relaxing in a calm state while just sitting down at a bed. The stae just really filled you with comfort and a sense of calmness.

That calming and comfoeting feeling didn't last tho as your watch started beeping very loudly, and the group clearly just stared at you as they heard before they went back to what they were doing. Seemingly you were getting a call from Miguel from your watch while the rest of the groups watches didn't seem to be beeping loudly at all. You just then decided to go out to the emergency exits stairs for now as you answered the call from Miguel. Just as you did tho, he immediately popped out from your watch in a hologram form before he started speaking quickly, and honestly, you werent able to catch up with it as he talked faster than a literal machine, or even a robot but, you knew you heard it along the lines of,

"The four, you need them right now and you guys need to go to earth 333, an anomaly exaped your universe and it's gonna be your job to put her back where she belongs."

Well, this day just got interesting.

★ AUTHORS NOTE ! Hello guys! I know i'm bad with posting frequently but i promise that i do try because uhm, my mom keeps taking my phone away since i'm failing most of my classes (clearly after i got 78 in math) but i'm currently trying my best t...

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AUTHORS NOTE ! Hello guys! I know i'm bad with posting frequently but i promise that i do try because uhm, my mom keeps taking my phone away since i'm failing most of my classes (clearly after i got 78 in math) but i'm currently trying my best to work on more chapters for this book and my one-shots book. Plus, i'm a journalist in my school and make newspapers for my school to that's more writing in my end, and i really like writing so i guess i actually appreciate the more work i get. But, long story short guys, i will be working on more chapters + oneshots (also i'm in my journalism training rn so yeahh) <33

 But, long story short guys, i will be working on more chapters + oneshots (also i'm in my journalism training rn so yeahh) <33

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