04. You're good.

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2:46 ───|────── 4:22[ Chapter 4 ]' You're good

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2:46 ───|────── 4:22
[ Chapter 4 ]
' You're good. '

     Awoken by a loud guitar note did you quickly jumped up from Hobies bed where you had fallen asleep and immediately look at the direction where that sound came from.

Not a surprise right to you now to be honest as you see the other three stretching and rubbing their eyes in shock as they probably woke up aswell. You started stretching and rubbing your eyes aswell as you see Hovie set down his guitar and dusk off his hands while he walks over to the kitchen with no explanation whatsoever of why he woke you guys up, making you roll your eyes and slide of his bed and turned to look at him who was preparing something at the kitchen.

Miles and Gwen followed up by standing up from the beanbags they were sat in and started wlaking over to the kitchen where you can see, Hobie was still preparing something. You eventually started walking up to the kitchen aswell and saw that Hobie was actually preparing five plates with food in them that look lime a five-star meal to be honest as Miles and Gwen sat down on a seat near the round table Hobie had on his room. Miles decided to sit beside Gwen but you had decided to go and watch Hobie do his thing while he finishes up the touches of each plates. He eventually finished after a few minutes and had already placed the plates onto the table where Miles and Gwen were sat in and Hobie himself had sat down beside Miles.

Seeing that Pavitr still wasnt awake, you decide to wake him up and tell him that Hobie had prepared us food, Miles and Gwen talked for a few minutes as you woke Pavitr up but as you both walked over to the table and sat down, everyone had started eating. "It for real feels like we're an actual family when we wait for each other before eating." Gwen commented in a jokingly way as she had stuffed her mouth with food already like she had been waiting for this all day. "Hobie can actually cook, i'm actualky really shocked and surprise." You commented aswell, obviously joking as you were eating and savouring each bite as you, Miles, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr chat about random things.

"I should stay in your guy's universes for awhile. I don't wanna go home." You said as your words were a bit muffle since you were spekaing with food in your mouth yet, the words were still distinguishable. "Well, Gwen's also staying in different universes for awhile, why not join her?" Miles suggested as he also had food in his mouth so his words were muffled yet distinguishable like yours. "That'd be cool." Gwen said as she nodded her head and agreement of the idea while having finished her food and was mow drinking water. "Mah universe' 's always free luv." Hobie said as he leaned back on his chair and drank water while he looked at you. "Same with me." Pavitr said as he flashed you a welcoming smile making your heart melt as you found his adorable. You thanked the four for their ideas and their suggestions with a warm smile back to them as you guys finished eating your foods and decided to take a break and chill around the apartment for fun while you guys did your own stuff like with Gwen and Miles playing on Miles' nintedo switch and you, Pavitr, and Hobie talking while you played quietly on the piano once again. You came to find out that you and Pavitr also shared a liking for a couple of things like kpop, poetry, and reading which you found super cool as not only that but you guys even like the same books, kpop groups, and make quite the poems which made you feel closer to Pavitr while you guys continued to talk with Hobie sometimes joning in the conversation aswell.

Eventually, Miles said he wanted to go back to his dimension, you were gonna stay with Miles for quite some time now so you decided to tag along with him as he clicked on his watch and then watched a portal spawn from thin air. You turned around to bid and wave your goodbyes to the three standing right infront of you with Miles doing the same before you both quickly went through the portal, leaving Hobie, Gwen, and Pavitr in Hobies dimension and apartment while you were now in Miles' universe.


You were now currently here in Miles' dimension, swinging over to his dorm in Brooklyn Visions Academy in which, you found interesting as it was the same school you went to in your own dimension. When you eventually arrive, you meet Ganke who was more than willing to let you sleep in his and Miles room for awhile. You and Ganke even became more bestfriends than you wouldve thought as you both actually shared each others interests.


In Hobies dimension hoever, everything was even more a mess as Hobie just stayed and sat down on his couch while he watched Gwen and Pavitr make a mess of his apartment with their childish yet funny ro look at bickerings and games. Hobies mind drifted off to his feeling of a small emptiness in his heart when you left but he thought it was normal and didn't mind, even when Gwen pointing it out earlier when she said, "You seemed to be a bit quiet when (Y/n) left, did you want her to stay here instead or something?". Hobie just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms before sitting down on his couch and replying to Gwens claims. "No way Gwendy." He responded as he put his arms behind his head and just tried to think of something else while Gwen and Pavitr just shrugged it off and then started to go on with their bickering and playing games.

★ AUTHORS NOTE ! This one doesnt really make sense, and i said this would be a slow burn but gosh is it hard to make a good slow burn romance story guys i'm sorry, i hope this story is still good to be honest since these chapters might be getting ...

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AUTHORS NOTE ! This one doesnt really make sense, and i said this would be a slow burn but gosh is it hard to make a good slow burn romance story guys i'm sorry, i hope this story is still good to be honest since these chapters might be getting shorter but i will literally always try to make the chapters 1k+ for you guys!

★ AUTHORS NOTE ! This one doesnt really make sense, and i said this would be a slow burn but gosh is it hard to make a good slow burn romance story guys i'm sorry, i hope this story is still good to be honest since these chapters might be getting ...

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