02. The one and only.

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2:36 ───|────── 4:22[ Chapter 2 ]' The one and only

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2:36 ───|────── 4:22
[ Chapter 2 ]
' The one and only. '

     Your eyes lit up at the question as you looked inbetween Miles and Gwen who both turned around to look up at the tall boy. "So you both talk about me? I'm flattered." You teased the two teens as you let out a small chuckle aswell. Miles rolled his eyes and then chuckled with you as Gwen just crossed her arms and clearly tried her best to not laugh along with you two. "But, i am (Y/n) (L/n) yes, the one and only of course!" You introduced yourself anyways as i response to the british boy who was looking you up and down while you were inbetween Miles and Gwen.

"Nice to meet ya then luv, the name's Hobie Brown." The boy, who you know knew was named Hobie, introduced himself as he flashed you a small wink for fun. "You guys are such fake friends for forgetting about me." The smaller boy beside Hobie joked as he crossed his arms and look at you up and down. "He's Pavitr Prabhakar, the dramatic one, really." Gwen leaned back to whisper to you, making you giggle slightly as Pavitr kept his arms crossed. "Well, nice to meet you guys then." You said as you then gave flashed them a warm smile before Miguel had ordered you guys to capture an anomaly on a random dimension.

Miguel gave you guys the information about the anomaly and the dimensions number before making you guys quickly jump onto the portal that the small holographic AI, Lyla, had opened for you guys. But before letting you go, Miguel finally passed you one of the watches that you'd seen Jess wear that apperently Miles, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr also had.


Now you were swinging around this new dimension, in the same city that was NYC, yet NYC never felt so different as you and the others were searching for the anomaly and, as if right on time did you spider-senses tingle making you turn to the direction of the anomaly. Since you were the only one to be able to find the anomaly, you had managed to make use of yoy watch as to tell the others where you were right now while you tried to fight off the anomaly and get it onto a cage ― wait, shit shit, Miguel forgot to give you one of the small holographic cages thing. You started to panic slightly as you realized you didn't have the thing that Jess had used to capture one of the anomalies. You still fought off the anomaly that you were facing right now until the others had arrived on the right time as you had just been knocked back onto the wall of a building. The others saw what happened and they immediately split up so Gwen and Hobie could see if your okay and Miles and Pavitr could try to fight off the anomaly while you were being checked up on.

The two swinged over to you as you were about to fall onto the ground, but now before Hobie was able to catch you with his spider-senses. In which, Hobie quickly jumped down onto the ground with Gwen, trying to find a good spot to drop you in for a moment as you were worn out from fighting off the anomaly. Gwen quickly found an alleyway tho to set you in in which, Hobie quickly followed as he carried your body down and set you down onto the ground of the alleyway for a second.

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