07. My universe? For real?

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2:47 ───|────── 4:32[ Chapter 7 ]' My universe? For real? '

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2:47 ───|────── 4:32
[ Chapter 7 ]
' My universe? For real? '

Your life definitely is boring. Considering that this is the most interesting thing in your life. Plus, i'm just kidding. After that interesting call you had with Miguel, you obviously went back inside the apartment and found out that the four was the definitely listening to your conversation as they were now just quiet and staring at you intently while definitely waiting for something to come out of your mouth.

"Well, if you guys were eavesdropping i think you guys ― already know what's going on?" You said as you stared at the four who were just staring back at yiu intently before Miles nodded. "Yep, absolutely." Miles spoke up first as he nodded his head once again and then shook his head before stepping over beside you. "So which anomaly of your unuverse got out?" Miles asked the first question as he kept his arms crossed like earlier yet facing you now. "Yeah luv, plus, what earth was tha' agai'? 343. . or 333 righ'?" Hobie was next to ask a question as he kept his eyes locked onto yours while you just crossed your arms. "Look, earth-333, an anomaly escaped my universe, now Miguel wants the anomaly back in my universe once again." You answered their questions quickly as you started pacing back and forth across the room. "Hey no worries girl, we're here y'know?" Gwen reassured you as she stood up from her seat and then started walking beside you to get you to stop pacing across the room while she put her hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, no worrying around here alright?" Pavitr joined in the reassuring aswell as he was still sitting where he was but yet he was still keeping his eyes on you and the rest who were trying to come up with a plan to atleast be able to finish the mission fast.

It didn't take long but you just sighed after enough reassuring, you just took a deep breath. "Look guys, let's just wing it, since i'm feeling good right now, we should go before i get in a bad mood because of this anomaly. I mean, how'd they even escape my universe?" You said as you sighed and started typing in your watch the information about earth-333 before a portal then opened up infront of you guys. A chunk of metal immediately flew in Hobies room but, thankfully it was small bits of the metal chunk. "What the shit." Pavitr muttered before covering his mouth and looking at you four while the other four just stared at him and then onto the portal. "Well, that it isn't the best greeting ― " Gwen said before she got cut off by you just swinging inside the portal with Miels just deciding to follow up with you as a few more bits of metal started flying into the apartment. "Pav, Gwendy, let's go in before more whole room is filled with metal, jesus christ ― " Hobie commented as he decided to swing into the portal aswell with Pavitr and Gwen nodding before following up with Hobie.


"Well Gwen was right about this not being the best greeting!" You yelped out as you saw your black cat running through the streets with a bunch of jewelry covering her and with a ― wait what is that? a WATCH?

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