05. Real talent.

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2:47 ───|────── 4:22[ Chapter 5 ]' Real talent

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2:47 ───|────── 4:22
[ Chapter 5 ]
' Real talent. '

     Hanging out with Miles in his dimension was fun as you guys were quite the duo everything you guys hanged out and right now was not any different because right now you guys were downtown on some secret place, graffitiing some walls that were already grafitied on, but that didn't stop you guys as you created all kinds of design and lettering for fun. This little place downtown also had a bunch of paont and a few black canvases on the floor with the spraying cans which made you sit down on the concrete ground and paint on the canvases for fun while Miles was grafitiing. You guys decided to talk aswell while you guys did your own thing. Sometimes you guys even switched so that you could also graffiti and Miles could paint on the few more empty canvases that were all over the ground with some of the paint also spread through the concrete ground.

"You are so talented, (Y/n)." Miles commented on you as you were currently spray painting while he was painting on the canvases. "I'm flattered, thank you, really but, i don't think i'm that talented." You said as you chuckled and then glanced at Miles from your shoulders while you continued your spray painting. "Says the girl who can play the piano, paint, can do acrobatics, and literally so much more. I can literally write a whole entire itemized list about all your talents and i'm not even kidding." Miles said as he groaned and rolled his eyes jokingly while stopping his painting for a moment to look at you. "And sometimes you're too humble for your own good." Miles added as he rolled his eyes once more in a more jokingly way this time as he had started painting once more. You just chucked at his words and rolled your eyes along with him. You didn't even bother responding anymore aswell as you knew there's no point in arguing if Miles is just gonna keep saying that you're so talented.

You and Miles decided to take a break from all the painting as you guys were such messes right now with paint on your cheeks and nose and so you guys decided to lean back onto the wall for now and share earphones to listen to your favorite song.

You both had closed your eyes to take in the fresh air for a moment before you felt a powerful and sudden brust of air pop out of nowhere making you open your eyes to the bright flash of color that's coming from a newly made portal by someone, or to be more specific, your friends who were actually looking for you guys so guys could hang out somewhere today. Gwen, Hobie and Pavitr stop on their tracks tho as theu finally found you both, sitting down, leaning your backs against the wall where you both had spray painted over while sharing earphones. "Ugh, you guys are so hard to find but (Y/n), look at what i finally found in Hobies apartment yesterday." Gwen spoke up first as she quickly stepped closer to you to take you by your wrist gently and pull you up as she pulled a small jar that was the size of a necklace pendant with leafs and dark green powder inside the small jar. It was the same one that you had given Gwen when you guys were about to leave to come back to your own dimensions a year ago. It made your heart melt that after all this time, after a whole literal year, Gwen still kept the gift that you had given her on the same day that you both had to leave eachother. It made you feel nostalgic too as you smiled and Gwen and hugged her, with her hugging you back aswell.

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