Another Day In Hell

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Maricela's POV
 I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. Ughhh!!! I got out of bed, put on my glasses and went into my bathroom. I stood there examining myself. I looked at my face. I dont get why Princeton calls me ugly, when actually I'm gorgeous!! i'm not cocky or nuthin like that but i know for a fact dat I'm not ugly! I smiled at myself. Oh yeah I have to take a shower. *Does the hygiene stuff* I got out of the shower and went to my walk in closet. Hmmm What should I where today?

I'm really feeling this. I walk out of my bathroom and into the hallway, and it took me about a minute just to get to the kitchen. I went to my mom.
Me: Good Morning Mommy i said as I wrapped my arms around her and giving her a tight hug.
My mom: Good Morning Mija. How did you sleep?
Me: Good
My mom: Want some breakfast before you leave?
Me: No thanks mom. I love you. I grab my keys and walk out the door and unlock my Cadillac Eldorado. I get in the car and turn up my radio and blast it. I was having a blast dancing and singing in my car untill I saw my school. I turned down the radio and parked my car. Here goes another day of hell... Why is it hell? Well 1. I get bullied 2. Most of my classmates hate me 3. The guy that I have a crush on is my bully. I walk through the doors of "the prison" and go straight to my locker trying to avoid Princeton. I get my books out of my locker and as I was about to shut it someone shutted it for me. I looked at the hand, and I relized that is the hand that hit and slapped me everyday since 9th grade. I slowly looked up to the owner and before I could completley look into his eyes I felt a hand touch my cheek and the next thing I knew I was on the ground crying and rolled up into a ball. when I finally got back into reality and saw everyone laughing at me. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, it was like the complection i saw this morning expect for now I had a bloody nose, a brused face, and a black eye. I started to cry but I stopped and started putting my fondation on. I hate make up!! But if I dont where it then everyone will be able to see all the scars and marks on my face. I walked out of the bathroom and into 1st period.
Mrs. Rush: Where have you been and Why are you late?
Princeton:Yeah Why are you late?
I glared at Princeton and saw him smirking. He was so hot!!! Wait, Maricela! No he isnt he is a jack_ass!!
Me:I'm sorry. It won't happen again
Mrs.Rush: Okay go and sit down
I go and find my seat.....which is by Princeton!!! I'm kinda glad but mad.
Mrs.Rush: Okay we are going to be doing a project.
Class: *grouns*
Mrs.Rush: I'll be picking the partners
Class: Starts yelling
Mrs.Rush:Yall shut up!!! Okay Roc....n.....Jasmine .......Craig.....n...Jenni......... Ray......n..Katrina.. Princeton........N......Maricela
My head shut up after hearing that is she fuckinq kidding me right now? Why do I have to be with afro puff?
Mrs.Rush: stops reading list. So go sit by you partners
Class: Nobody moves
The class finds there partners and Sits my them. When Princeton went and sat by me I gave him the "WTF look"
Princeton: What the hell you looking at Shitface
I just ignore him and get to doing to project.
Princeton: Look at me when I talk to you
Me: (Looks at him)
Princeton: You will be doing this project by yourself and you better hope you get an A or else your going to get it
Me: But Princeton this is our project not just mine
Princeton: Wait. What was that? Were you talking back to me?
Me: Yeah I was
Princeton: ( Pinches my arm really hard) Make sure it dont happen again
Me: Okay I said while rubbing my arm

After the lunch the rest of the day went by really fast. Finally the dissmisal bell rang and I rushed out of the prison and into my car before Princeton could come. I got into my car and started to drive home. When I got home I walked in and saw my mom in the living room.
Me: Hey Mom
Mom: How was your day?
Me: Good

I lied I never told her what happened because she's really protective 
Mom: Great. Oh Yea Mija get ready because we are going out to dinner with an old freind I ran into today at the store so where something and meet me down here in an hour.
Me: Okay (hugs and starts walking upstairs)
Mom: Oh she has a son your age
Me: Oh well maybe he is cute
Mom: *chuckles* Go get ready!!!
Me: Okay ii said back while going to my room. I was going to where something old but now that I know that there is going to a guy I'm gonna dress up. I got Into my room took a shower and went to my closet.
This is perfect, and I came out feeling hot and I walked downstairs to my mom
Mom: Wow Mija you look gorgous!!
Me: Thanks
Mom: Well let's go we dont want to be late
We walk to the car and drive. Untill my mom stops at this huge mansion
Mom: We are here!!
Me: Wow es bonita y grande
Mom: I know
My mom knocks the door. We wait about 30 seconds then this girl that looks mexican and tall opens the door and greets and invites us in. When I walk into the living room I see....................................................Princeton!!!!!


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