Meeting Daniel

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 Legacy’s POV

 I messed up! Bad! But Imma make Maricela mine because 1. She hot 2. She’s Amazing 3. I think Prince likes her!!

Maricela's POV

 I wake up to the sound of buzzing. I get out of my bed and start getting ready for school. I take a hot shower and then walk to my big closet and pull out this


I'm not ready to go to school!!! I hate Mondays. I walk downstairs and I dont see anyone, so Instead of waiting, I go and drive to school. I walk into the school and go to my rusty old locker. I see Princeton and his little groupie.

Me: Hey

Princeton: Um... Hey

he kinda looks down and whirspers

Wow he is embaressed of me. I walk away and go to 1rst period class. I can't deal with his bipoler as.s anymore!!! I really don't want to see his face at all, I walk into class and I sit down and wait for the stupid teacher to get to class. I see Princeton walk into class and all the girls all over him, I roll my eyes. Princeton looks at me and I look away. Then I see a hot boy step into the class.

Teacher: Okay class this is our new student Daniel. Okay Daniel go pick a seat.

I watched as her picked his seat and he sat right next to me.....

Teacher: Okay class we are going to be working by the person next to you today so pull out your papers from Friday and get to work.

We pull out our papers and start working.

Me: Hey my name is Maricela

Daniel: My name is Daniel

Maricela: So Where did you move here from?

Daniel: Florida

Maricela: Cool and how do you like it here so far?

Daniel: It's aight but it got better when I met you

I bushed.

Daniel: I made you blush

I laugh

Maricela: Yeah, Yeah

Princeton's POV

 Why is Maricela talking to the new kid? And why the hel.l is she blushing and laughing? I wonder why she isn't talking to me. I coudn't talk to her in the hallway because then my freinds would make fun of me for being her freind.

Maricela's POV

Teacher: Okay class put your papers in your binders, dismissal is in a minute.

We put our work away

Daniel: So here is my number call me sometime

Me: Okay

Then the bell rings and I go to my 2nd period class.

~At Lunch Time~

I see my girls at the table and i run to it.

Me: Hey girls!!

Everyone Ex. Me: Hey

Alana: So I heard what happened with Janessa

We all laugh

Me: Yeah she kissed Legacy

Nicky: Wait... Who is Legacy?

Me: Oh he Princeton's brother and he is hot too

Zoe: Dam.n!! Then she is a Wo.e but the brotha aint any better!!

Me: Enough with that......... So Have you seen the new kid named.....

Gets inturupped

Everyone Ex. Maricela: Daniel

Me: Yes!! He is so..

Gets inturupped again'

Alana: Hot

Nicky: He got swag

Zoe: Cute

Me: Um Yeah.. Anyway he gave me his number

Starts doing the dougie in her seat.

Alana: Nice

Me: Yupp Well the bell is going to ring so Imma go to 6th period.

Nicky: Bye Text you later

Me: Aight

~Skipping to when she gets home~

 I walk into the house. It feels so good to be home!!! I go upstairs and change into some relaxed clothes and then go downstairs. I watch T.V. I hear the door open I look and see Princeton.

Princeton: Hey

I ignore him and keep watching T.V

Princeton: Look I'm sorry for what happened at school

Me: It's Okay, I should not have over exaggerated and I'm sorry for ignoring you but I'm still mad at you

Princeton: Really?

Me: Yeah

Princeton: Wanna watch a scary movie?

Me: Sure

We put on Family Demons and then Princeton sits on one couch and I sit in another couch.

Princeton: You aint going to sit with me?

Me: Nope

Princeton: You might get scared

Me: No I wont

Princeton: Okay fine

He presses play and he turns of all the lights now I'm kind of scared........

~1 hour into the movie

Me: I told you I wouldnt be scared

Something scary happens

I scream

Me: Princeton!!!!

I ran up to him and scoot really close to him. And He put his arms around me and I put my head in his chest he felt really warm.

Princeton: I thought you said that you werent going to be scared.

Me: Shut up!!

He chuckles and we continue watching the movie.

After the movie was over I made Princeton turn on all the lights. I got a text from my mom

Mom: Hey I'm not going to be home tonight

Me: Okay

Okay so now only me and Princeton are going to be here

Me: That movie was not scary!!

Princeton: Sure your the one that screamed 4 times

Me: Sure well I'm going to bed.

Princeton: Okay goodnight

Me: Goodnight

 I was so scared I couldn't sleep!! Then I saw something bang against the window!! And I let out a huge scream.. One seconed  later Princeton comes running to my room with just his boxers on and he had a bat. he looked fine!!

Princeton: Are you Okay? What happened?

Me: I heard something by the window

Princeton: You do know that there is a tree

Me: Oh

We both start laughing

Princeton: Are you still scared?

Me: Yeah

Princeton: Do you want me to sleep with you?

Me: Yeah

Princeton: Let me just put this away

He puts the bat away and he gets in my bed and we go to sleep.

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