Getting To Know You

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 Princeton: Do you want me to sleep with you?

 Me: Yeah

 Princeton: Let me just put this away

 He puts the bat away and he gets in my bed and we go to sleep.

Maricela's POV

 I wake up and feel arms around me. I looked to my side and saw Princeton, he looked so cute when you slept! I didn't  want to wake him up so I slowly got out of bed and went into the living room. I saw my phone on the couch so I decieded to just mess around with it maybe change my background,,,,,Then I Got a text from Daniel...


 Daniel;: Hey i was thinking maybe you would like to go to breakfast?

Me: Sure

Daniel: I'll pick you up at 9

Me: Sounds Good:)

I looked at at the clock and it said 8:25! Sh*t! I ran to my room and tyring to be silent and got something to where and took a quick shower. I straightend my hair and got my converse on and then I heard the doorbell. I felt bad leaving Princeton and not telling him but I like Daniel tooo! I opened the door and saw Daniel. Can I say that that boy was looking very fine!

Daniel: Hey

We hugged

Daniel: Come on

 I walked out and saw a nice mustang!! He opened the door for me and the ride there was kinda awkward. When we got there we got a booth and started talking.

Daniel: You look good today

Me: Thanks! You look purty good yourself

Daniel: Are you freinds with that guy Princeton?

Me: Ummmmm,,,,,, yeah in a way, Why do you ask?

Daniel: Cuz i'm new and i thought if i hung out with Princeton he could get me more popular and I wouldn't get picked on.

Me: Being "popular" isn't so great

Daniel: That's how you survive high school

Me: Just trust me nd speaking of how your new, where did you move here from?

Daniel: Florida

Me: Oh I've been there it's bomb

Daniel: Yeah that's my homeplace

The waitress comes. Oh great.  I saw her winking at Daniel. I rolled my eyes

Waitress: How can I take your order?

Me: Well number 5 with orange juice

Diggy: I'll have number 3 with milk

The waitress went off and I felt like choking the hell out of her! We got our food and we started eating and talking,,

Princeton's POV

 I woke up and looked around the room, This isn't my room it's Maricela's! Oh yeah i remember last night, Now where is Maricela? I went downstairs, and checked all the rooms and I couldn't find her. I was kinda worried but I kept it in! I heard the door open and saw Maricela with the new kid! They hugged and he left and she turned around and saw me,

Me: Where have you been?

Maricela: I was out at breakfast. I brang you some.

Me:Why did you leave and not tell me

Maricela: First, of all you were sleeping. Seconed, He asked Me, And 3red, You aren't my dad

Me: Whatever

Maricela's POV

 I heard the door slam and I jumped alittle I feel bad now.

25 minutes later

Princeton's POv

 If Maricela wants to around with a dude then Why can't I so I invited my girlfreind over named Leslie. I heard the doorbell ring and I saw Maricela on the couch.

Maricela: Look Prince i'm sorry

Me: Save it

 I opened the door and saw Leslie

Me: This is my girlfreind, Leslie

We kissed and almost started making out.

Maricela's POV

 My eyes started to water, I really liked Prince! How could he? I ran to the room and slammed the door, I started to cry,

Princeton's POv

 Leslie: What's wrong with her

Me:Nothing she's just a ugly a** ho*

Leslie: *laughing* Yeah she looks like one

We started to laugh

Leslie: And Let's just say she aint pretty

Me: Agreed

Maricela's POV

 He is such a Di**! What did I do to deserve this?

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