The Parting

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"Good luck, Lil!" Josh is yelling and waving as I back down the driveway.

I smile and put on my sunglasses. "Get packing!" I yell back through the open window before I blow a kiss and put the window up.

Today is the day of freshman orientation at Westwood College in LA, and I am very nervous. Although I won't be staying in a dorm room, I want to get to know the people at the school. Hopefully I will be more mature as a college student than I was in high school... All of these thoughts and more are going through my head while I drive through the back roads of Los Angeles.

Another thought that pops into my head when I pull into the huge parking lot of the school is what my major is going to be. I know that I was going to go for acting, but these last few days I have been second-guessing myself. I probably won't get a good job for acting in Hollywood, and even if I do, do I want to be famous? Seeing Josh and his fame, the thought really terrifies me.

Anyway, I park my car and grab my bag that has the folder that was sent to me when I was accepted in it and I check my makeup in the mirror one last time. Mascara, check. Eyeliner, check. Blush along the cheekbones, check. Peach lip gloss, check. I exit the car.

When I walk up to the glass doors leading into the main building, I check my hair and clothes. Since it is about eighty degrees outside, I am wearing appropriate-length shorts which come to mid-thigh, a light pink crop short-sleeve top with an infinity sign, four-inch wedge heels that match the top, and the hair down and naturally wavy. I put my sunglasses on top of my head and walk into the building.

I walk to the front desk and greet the lady (Judy, according to her name tag) with a smile. "Hi!" I say.

"Hello." Judy drones. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. "Name."

"Lillian Cane, C-A-N-E." I chirp with new-found pep.

Judy flinches. "Can you not be excited?"

"Oh, sorry! I'm just so nervous and energetic that I can't help it! I mean, I've never been to a college before, obviously, and I can't believe that I'm all the way over here, in LA, for college! I come from a small town in Mas-"

"Shut up. I'm begging you." I instantly shut my mouth from my babbling because of my nervousness. "The gym is all the way at the end of the hallway. Thanks for choosing Westwood, now get out of my life." Judy points to her left, my right, down a fairly-long hallway.

"No problem, Judy." I mumble and walk down said corridor.

At the end there are a huge pair of doors with voices bursting from behind them. "Here goes nothing." I mumble, and swing open the double doors.

The room before me is big. Almost too big, actually. Of course, though, as Judy said, this is the gym. To the left side is where everyone is sitting. There seems to be about only 150 people here, so they must be doing a couple of different orientations for the class.

I walk to the bleachers and scour out where to sit. There's an empty seat right in the front row, next to a girl who seems to be not talking to anyone. I walk to her. "Hi! Is anyone sitting here?" I ask.

"No, go ahead." I plop myself down next to the brunette. "I'm Megan, by the way."

"I'm Lilly. It's nice to meet you." I put my hand out to shake hers. Megan seems to be taller than me, and is very skinny. She has mousy brown hair, which brings out her unusually yet strikingly blue eyes. She is wearing a little bit of makeup, but she would still look model-beautiful without it.

"Lilly... Such a pretty name..." Megan compliments.

"Thanks! You are really pretty, too. Are you a model?" I ask because I can't seem to stop myself.

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