The Scumbag

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I woke up the next day on the couch. Weird, I think. Then I realize that Josh has his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. My dress is on the ground along with Josh’s clothes. Oh yeah! I slept with Josh!, I think. Wow, I lost my virginity to Josh Hutcherson. I wonder how impressed Laura would be with me now. I get up to use the bathroom and pick up my dress and under-things from the floor.

When I come back out into the living room, I am wearing yoga shorts and a tank top. Josh is now awake (and has clothes on) and when he sees me he walks over and kisses me.

“Well, good morning to you, too, Josh!” I joke.

“Sorry, I just wanted to say thanks for last night. I had fun.” Josh says. I don’t know if he means the dance or the…other thing.

“Your welcome. I had fun, too.” I whisper in his ear and kiss him. I take my arms from his neck and go into the kitchen. “Babe, what do you want for breakfast?” I ask while I pop a frozen waffle into the toaster oven.

“Um, I’ll have Lucky Charms, if that’s okay.” Josh replies from the living room. He’s obsessed with Lucky Charms. We have been through 3 boxes this week and everyone has only been gone for 4 days.

“You’re gonna turn into Lucky Charms, Mr. Hutcherson. How about Fruit Loops?” I ask. I feel him wrap his arms around my leg.

“I don’t want Fruit Loops! I want Lucky Charms!!!!!!!” Josh says while pulling on my leg like a little kid would do.

I start to laugh, and then something hits me. “Josh, did we, you know, use, like, you know, protection last night?” I ask, now completely serious.

Josh gets up off of the floor and wraps his arms around my waist. “Of course we did, babe. Do you think that I wouldn’t?” he says,

“Ok good. I don’t want to be a mother right now!” I say. My waffle pops up and I jump. Every time something pops out of the toaster I get scared and almost jump out of my pants. Josh lets go of my waist and bends over laughing. I give him a glare and take my waffle out of the toaster and put it on a plate. I drown it in syrup and walk over to the table.

“Fine, I’ll just get my Lucky Charms myself.” Josh jokes.

I laugh sarcastically and dig into my waffle. Josh comes over with a huge salad bowl filled with Lucky Charms and sits at the table with it.

“Well, your going shopping next time because you are eating all of the food!” I say. Josh gets up and walks over to my side of the table.

“Am I? We’ll see about that!” Josh says and then starts to tickle me. He knows I hate being tickled.

“JOSH!! STOP IT!!!” I scream while falling to the floor in a fit of giggles with Josh tickling me. I finally grab his hands and pull him onto the floor. I get up and start playfully punching him.

“Ouch! Lilly, that hurts.” Josh says. He looks like it actually hurts.

“Oh my god, Josh. Are you okay? Are you going to bruise?” I lay down next to him and start looking for where I might have bruised him. Josh turns around and starts to tickle me again.

When he is done, we lay on the floor laughing. Josh says, “You are very gullible, you know that?”

“Yeah, I kind of got that. I got it from my dad.” I say, and then instantly regret it. I know that Josh is going to ask me where my dad is, and I don’t want him to think I come from a bad family.

“If you don’t mind me asking, where is your dad?” Josh asks while turning to me.

“Well, my dad and my mom got married 20 years ago on June 29th, which is today. That is why my mom went on vacation this week. Anyway, they got married and were happy for awhile. Then my mom got pregnant with Luke and I. They had always wanted a baby, but when my dad found out that his baby was a twin, he got in a fight with my mom, saying that it was all her fault that she was pregnant with twins. He left that night, the night of the ultrasound, and never came back. Apparently he was on drugs for awhile, and that was why he got so mad at my mom, because he was high. We were born one week after their second wedding anniversary, which is July 6th. My dad didn’t even come to our birth. I don’t know where he is now, and frankly, I don’t care. He left my mom with twins, I mean, who does that?” I say turning to Josh,

“Oh, well, I’m sorry. But, I also didn’t know when your birthday was, so thanks.” Josh says.

“Your welcome.” I whisper into his ear. He kisses me and we get up and walk to his bedroom.


Sorry, this chapter is short guys, but it was VERY important. The title makes sense now, though, doesn't it?

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