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There are three things that go through my head when Tori says these words:

1: What is this bitch thinking?

2: How long would it take me to kill this girl?

And three, which is what I actually say:

"WHAT?! Bitch, there will be shit going down if I see you near my closet because that is my dead grandmother's money and if someone as fake and ugly and fat as you ever shoves their fat ass into that dress then I swear on my mother's grave I will go as far as being arrested for murder!!" I scream right in her face while tears stream down my face and everyone just sits at the table with their jaws dropped.

"What?" The Bitch In The Situation (a.k.a Tori) questions like an idiot.

"Yeah, you heard me right. Now, everyone, if you'll excuse me, I will be down in my room and then the basement." And with that, I run to my room and into my closet.

I dig around a bit and then I find the box on top of the shelf. I take it down and run out of the room and to the basement. I find a good hiding spot for the box, which is under the futon that I sleep on. I sit on top of the futon and then I cry my eyes out.


After about an hour of just crying, I hear someone coming down the stairs. Assuming that it's my mom coming down to lecture me on how rude I was to TBITS (stands for The Bitch In The Situation), I lay down and cover my head with a pillow. There is a knock on the door and I say "If you are hear to lecture me, then I think it's probably best if you just go away."

The door opens anyway and then I feel one side of the futon go down as if someone sat on it. The person starts to rub my back and then says, "Why would I want to lecture you when you did the right thing?" I sit up because I realize that it's Josh.

"Josh? What are you doing in here? I thought you would hate me after that and would decide to leave instead of stay." I say in between sniffles

He laughs and says, "I'm not that shallow! I would've said the same thing to her if she tried to use my wedding dress!" I laugh and then he adds, "But seriously, though. I haven't even seen the dress and I already know that she won't be able to look half as good as you would in it because you are seventeen million times more beautiful than her and I'm not just saying that because I have to."

"Thanks, Josh. I'm really glad to have you, too. By the way, would you like to see the dress?" I ask softly while he wipes away the tears on my face.

"Yeah, let's see it!" I get up and take the box out from under the futon. I open it up and pull out the dress. I gasp a little, because even though I've seen it a million times before, it never fails to amaze me.

"Wow. See, you know, I just knew you are the only one good enough for it." Josh says and we laugh.

"Thanks babe. You're awesome." I gently wrap the dress back up and put it back in the box. I slide the box underneath my futon and go over to Josh. I wrap my arms around his neck and he does the same to my waist.

"You know, I was thinking about this before I came down here. Why don't you live with me when you move to L.A.? My house is big enough and it's just me and my dog sooo... What do you say?" Josh asks.

"Well, I don't know, I mean, there was kind of a guy I was gonna live with when I got there. So, you know, I'll have to ask him first." I joke, but I keep a straight face while I say it.

"There is? What's his name?" Josh pulls his forehead off of mine and looks me in the eyes.

"Well, it's kind of personal. Let me call him right now, actually." I pull out my phone and call Josh's cell. His phone rings, obviously, and he answers it.

"Hello?" He says, but he already knows it's me.

"Um, hi. Can I still stay with you? I mean, if it's not any trouble..." I reply.

Josh hangs up the phone and says to me, "Oh come here."

I scooch closer to him and he pulls me close and kisses me. It is the kind of kiss where you just don't want it to end and you want to just keep on going where ever may lead. But it ends to quick when Josh pulls away. "We will have to leave on the 31st of July, though, because of something I have to do for work. That gives you another week and a half to do whatever you want with your friends." Josh says, and he looks worried for some reason.

"As long as I'm with you and away from The Bitch, I don't really care how long I'm gone." I say and Josh laughs.

"Yeah, well, from the way you described her upstairs, I don't think The Bitch would be able to fit out the door to follow you if she wanted to!" Josh says and I bend over laughing, that is, until I hear someone say from the doorway, "You really feel that way about me, Joshie? That really makes me sad because I don't that way about you at all!"

I look up and there's TBITS, without anyone with her. Josh immediately stands up and gets in front of me so that she doesn't hurt me. She steps into the room and I make a mad dash for the bathroom.

I go in and pee and when I run back downstairs, I see Tori go up to Josh and push him onto the futon. She sits on top of him and kisses him.

He pushes her off and she falls of the futon. He stands up and says, "I'm sorry, but I have someone that I love that is not you and she would not be very happy if she knew you did that to me."

It's clear that they didn't know I walked into the room then because when I go over to where TBITS is on the ground, Josh's face gets red and TBITS gets really scared and stands up. I punch her in the mouth and she runs upstairs while I scream, "If you ever do that to my boyfriend again, you'll be very sorry!"

I turn to Josh, put my arms around his shoulders and whisper, "Do you really love me?" I ask this because we haven't said it to each other yet.

"Yeah, of course I do. I mean, I asked you to live with me, didn't I?" Josh says softly.

"Well, I didn't think this would be when I said it to you, but I love you, too. And, by the way, yes, I would love to live with you in L.A., Josh. I have to tell my friends, though." I say.

Josh pulls me even closer to him and whispers, "Whatever makes you happy, Lilly." We kiss and then I turn on the radio and "When I Look at You", our song, comes on and we dance around my basement.

And, just like the song says, all of the bad things that happened today go away when I look at him.


Author's note:

I hope you liked this chapter, guys!! The next one is going to be really good, so keep reading!!!

I also wanted to say thank you to all of the people that read this story and vote for it and become my fan and everything like that!! By the way, I fan back, just so you know... Haha but my story now has over 1,000 reads so I'm glad that people enjoy my story!! And to all of you first time story writers out there, I was one of those, too, once, and look where that got me! Have hope and keep reading BEAUTIFULS!!

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