The Delivery

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"Oh my God, her water just broke." My mom says, and my jaw drops to the floor.

"No, I'm sure that not wha- OW! MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" A sharp pain hit me right in my lower back, causing me to fall backwards onto the couch behind me.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Now." My mom demands, and Josh helps me up off of the couch and starts to walk me out to the car.

"It can't be labor. It isn't the due date yet. It's only the first." I babble on while Josh rushes me to the car and sits me down in the passenger seat.

"Lilly, I need you to calm down. It's not good to stress -" He doesn't get to finish his sentence before I scream in pain as another searing jab hits my lower stomach.

I speak as soon as the pain subsides, while we are speeding down the road to the nearest hospital. "I'm not ready to have this baby, Josh. It hurts." I breathe deeply in and out because that's the only thing I can think to do.

"Just think about what's going to come after it's born. Maybe that will help you through it." He suggests, which for some reason makes me really mad.

"I don't give a shit about the future right now, I just want this thing out of me." I growl at him through gritted teeth.

"I know, I know. It'll be fine. We'll be there in about two minutes, think you can hold on until then?" He asks while patting my knee with his free hand.

Another pain, which I'm assuming is a contraction, hits, and I double over and tears appear in my eyes. "I don't know if I can do this, Josh." I whisper as the pain slowly goes away and I start crying with nervousness.

Josh starts to rub my belly and I close my eyes through the tears. We stay like that the rest of the way to the hospital, and no more contractions hit.

Until I step into the doors of the ER. "OW! Jesus, how do people do this more than once?" I yell and grab onto the counter as Josh tells the person at the desk our names.

In and out, Lilly. In and out. You can do this, I think to myself as I get rushed to a delivery room and quickly changed into a hospital gown. I am told to lay on the bed, where they hook a bunch on wires up to me.

The nurse tells me, "Okay, Lillian. You are four centimeters dilated, and you need to be ten. But you are really sticking through with this. Are you going to use an epidural?"

"No, I want this to be natural, even though it hurts like a bitch." I grimace.

The nurse laughs. "Yeah, I have three kids, all natural. I know what you're going through. I'll send the doctor in, if you want."

I like this nurse. "That would be great, thanks." I smile and she walks away to go get Dr. Hartford. Josh pulls up a chair on my left and grabs my hand.

"Can I get you anything, babe?" Josh asks.

"Food. I'm starving. And my mom and my brother. I'm sure they'll want to be here for this." I tell him, before another contraction hits and I grasp the sides of my mattress and breathe really quickly.

Josh sits by me the whole time, calling my mom and brother, arranging a ride for them, and having the driver of the car order McDonald's for both of us, because greasy food sounds amazing right now.

When they finally barge in about an hour later, the doctor has already told me that I am now seven centimeters dilated, and that my labor is going surprisingly quick, which is great because I can't wait to get this child out of me.

"I brought your fries." Luke tells me and hands me a paper bag, kissing me on the temple, and stepping back while I dive into the bag and pull out my large fry.

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