The Call

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"It's really nasty out there, isn't it?" Josh asks while staring out the sliding glass door in the living room.

"Yeah, that rain must be unbearable." I reply from the leather couch in front of the T.V. We had woken up this morning to it raining cats and dogs outside and now, at 10 a.m., it is still coming down just as hard, if not harder, as it was this morning.

"Yeah... So you do know the plan for today, right?" Josh asks while walking over to me and picking me up off the couch, sitting down, and placing me in his lap.

"No, what is it?" I turn and face Josh.

"Well, I have to start getting ready, because I'm getting my hair dyed at 12:00. You can come if you want, by the way. Then, we can come home and just watch movies, if you'd like."

"Okay. And I will come to the hair dying appointment with you. It'll be fun!" I say, while giving him a kiss on the cheek and hopping off of his lap. "I have to get ready. I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick and then I'm gonna get a bite to eat." I start to walk away when Josh stops me.

"Actually, if you get ready fast enough, we could go out to get brunch!"

"Okay! I won't shower, then. I'll just wash my hair and then shower later. I have to get dressed, though, so I'll be right back."

"Okay. Oh and Lilly?" Josh's voice turns me around again.


"I love you." Josh says and then smiles.

"I love you, too, Josh." I turn back around and walk down the hallway to my room.


I step out of Josh's white Lexus in front of a small cafe just inside of L.A. According to the sign, the cafe is called Jitter's, and Josh claims that it is the best place for breakfast EVER. I only know that because he said it about 50 times on the way here.

"Doesn't the name just make you want to jump for joy?" Josh asks me as he takes my hand and leads me inside.

"I guess. It looks cute enough." I say when Josh opens the door and I get hit in the face with the aroma of warm coffee. It is still freezing out and raining buckets, so it feels nice to walk in and warm up.

"Hey, Josh! Is that you?" I hear a voice say. I turn to the counter and see a man waving us over.

We walk over to the counter and Josh says, "Hey, Jeremy! I didn't know you worked here!"

"I didn't, until yesterday!" Jeremy flashes Josh a toothy grin. Jeremy is tall, has loose blond hair, and striking blue eyes. He is pretty attractive, but not as good-looking as Josh. I'm lost in these thoughts while Jeremy and Josh catch up on things.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Jeremy ask, "So, who's the lovely lady here?"

"This is my girlfriend, Lilly. She's from Massachusetts and came out here for college and is living with me." Josh says while beaming with happiness.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you Lilly. I'm Jeremy, and Josh and I go way back." Jeremy sticks out his hand and I shake it.

"It's nice to meet you, too!" I say.

"Okay, now that we have all met, what can I get you guys?" Jeremy asks.

"Um, I'll have a large cup of coffee, two sugars, two creams, and I guess a blueberry muffin." Josh replies.

"And I will have a medium carmel macchiato and a corn muffin, please." I tell Jeremy.

"Comin' right up!" he says and Josh and I sit at a table by the window. The cafe is completely empty, except for us, and I'm pretty sure it's because of the rain. I hope it's not like this all of the time...

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