The News

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"Did you see the news?" Josh asks.

It is now Saturday, still no news about Bella, and Josh and I ended up getting out of bed at about 10:30. Right now, it is 11:45, and I am sitting on the couch in front of the TV. I am still wearing my pajamas, which consist of a pair of boxers (over my panties, of course) and a too-big sweatshirt from my old high school.

"No, should I have?" I ask, turning around to face Josh who is in his pajama pants and a gray T-shirt. He is standing in the doorway of the living room eating a bowl of, what else, Lucky Charms.

"Yeah, go to channel 236." Josh says and walks over to sit next to me on the couch. I grab the remote from the coffee table and sit back on the couch while pulling my long legs up to sit indian-style on the couch. I press power on the remote and turn the channel to 236, which, I notice, is the E Network. I look over at Josh with a grin on my face.

"What?" he asks.

"You watch the E network?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"No! I just saw it on Twitter that on E News today they are gonna have a segment on something that I want you to see!" Josh says, sounding very panicky.

I notice that and grin even wider. "Okay, well, how do you know what channel it is on then, huh?"

Josh looks away. "Well, I... Um..." He sounds defeated.

I jump up from the couch and point at him. "I KNEW IT! Yes, now I can go Tweet it and Instagram it and Facebook it!" I run to Josh's room where I left my phone charging and unlock it. I hear Josh come running down the hallway after me.

"Lilly, don't tell anyone anything! Please!" Josh is yelling. I am laughing so hard that I can barely hold my phone. He runs into the room and sees me sitting on the bed with my phone in my hand and jumps up onto the bed and knocks me over. I put my unplug my phone and hold it to my chest so that Josh won't take it. I am on my side curled up and Josh is on top of me trying to find my phone. I won't uncurl myself even though Josh is begging me. I am still laughing really hard.

Then, all of a sudden, Josh stops trying to get my phone. I uncurl myself and look at Josh. "What-" I am cut off by Josh diving onto me and tickling me. He knows I hate being tickled. "JOSH! STOP IT! I CAN'T BREATHE!" this goes on for about 2 minutes until I finally hand Josh my phone.

"Thank you!" Josh takes my phone and walks out of the room back to the living room. I follow him and sit back on the couch. I press Info on the remote and see that the time is 11:55, which means that there is 5 minutes until E News comes on. Hey, what can I say, I have watched it in the past!

I turn to Josh and put my elbow on the couch. "So, have you watched 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' lately? What about 'Fashion Police'? Hmm?" I tease Josh and he looks and me and copies my position.

"Look, I only watch 'E News' on this channel, okay? I don't watch all of the other girly shows. And in my defense, I only watch 'E News' if I see on Twitter that there is a segment about me!" Josh says.

"Sure... Look it's coming on now!" I peck Josh's lips and turn back around to face the TV. Josh turns around too and puts his arm around my shoulders. I put my head on his shoulder. Then, I hear Cat Sadler's voice come on the television.

She says a bunch of things and then I hear, "J-Hutch's new girl! This is E News Saturday!" I look up at Josh and he looks at me.

"I thought every one knew about me already? You know, from Ellen?"

"I thought they did too, but apparently not. That's why I'm having you watch this today, because I think they have some of the footage from the paparazzi thing on Thursday." Josh says. "Oh look, I guess they're doing our story first."

I turn back around to the TV. "Josh Hutcherson has a new lady! She was on The Ellen Degeneres Show earlier this week, and introduced herself as 'Lilly'. We can confirm that her name is Lilly Cane, and she and J-Hutch have been dating for a month and a half. Lilly said herself that she is from a small town in Massachusetts, about an hour away from Albany, New York, and her Twitter page," my Twitter username pops up on the screen, "confirms that the town is called Coaches. Josh and Lilly were spotted walking out of a small coffee shop called Jitters on Thursday morning." Then they show a video of Josh and I walking out of Jitters that the paparazzi must have taken. "I wish Josh and Lilly the best of luck with their relationship!" Then they move onto the next subject.

"Wow. Just wow." Josh says and gets up off of the couch.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Then, my phone rings. I pick it up from off of the coffee table where Josh left it and answer it without looking at who's calling. "Hello?"

"Hey, Lil. How are you?" I recognize the voice as my brother's immediately.

"Luke! How are you feeling? I'm fine, but I don't care about me!" I yell excitedly into the phone.

Luke laughs. "I'm fine. I was actually calling about that whole situation."

"What about it?" I ask in a normal voice.

"Well, I wanted to tell you about how the whole thing happened." Luke says reluctantly.

"Ok, talk." I say.


Author's note:

Hey guys! Happy 2013! Sorry to end on a cliff hanger, and making this so short, but I really just wanted to update tonight for you guys!

Oh, and thanks for the 100 votes you guys! I love you all! Hahaha alright I gotta go, see ya, peace!!!

Keep reading!

<3 luvjhutch1992

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