The fuck.......

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"Serrra are we done here !"i whinned.
"Blue eyes come down were almost done"she said while checking out the shoes that are for sale.
"Yea calm down while we been to 23 stores in one day is that even possible"i said.Well im bored out of my mind my name is blue eyes alcott if you dont know who i am already,i live in a apartment.With my best friend serra jones she's cool but i warn you,when she asks you to come and shop with her make an excuse for not to come because she goes to fricken i dont know 50 stores a day or 20 and at least spends 2 hours long in there.You might be wondering,then why are you with her then,great question,it all started when she called me and said do you want to go to the store?i was about to answer but then she cut me off.

"Please say yes i went,and called everyone that i know and they said no,because they don't want to shop 50 or 20 stores in one day"she said in a sad voice and thats how i am here cause i told everyone that and i felt bad,for her so i went with her to shop.

"Hey blue eyes look at this t-shirt"i look at the shirt is was, a black butler one it had sebastian on it.Sebastian was my favorite character in black butler it used to be claude but i got over claude.I mean come on he copied Sebastian's quote in season two remember he said 'I'm one hell of a butler to' i was like wow copy cat.(sorry for all of claude fans i love claude too)

"Do you like it?"

"yea its cool"

"Then i'll buy it for you then"she said and put the shirt in the cart full of dresses,pink shirts,skirts that are short like really short you know those one that when you bend you show your butt.


"Hey Serra what do you want to eat?"i questioned her.

"Chinese food please!!!!!!"she begged like a five year old kid that wants a candy.

"yea sure i'll be right back bye Serra"

"See you later blue eyes,oh and make sure you tell them to put shrimp in stead of beef in my soup"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~skip time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"man the food is heavy" i said to myself (it happens to all of us : ) ) while i was walking down the street when its dark i saw a glowing light that was purple and blue.Since I'm stupid i followed it where it was and then everything went black.I felt something soft that was laying on like grass,but it couldn't be i was on a street where theres hard floor not soft grass.I was going to fall back asleep till i heard loud voices,and when i mean loud voices i mean super loud.

"oh my is he alright ?"

"How should i know we found him on the grass sleeping ,while almost getting burned by pluto"a man said, i think he's 24 or 25 the other voice that spoke first sound like a women that is on her 20's.

"hey b- what happened is he alright"a boy said i think he's on his 15 or 16.

"We found him here sleeping and almost getting burned alive "the older man said.Then i put my hands on my forehead cause it hurt.

" that you Bard,finnian,mey-rin ?"i said and opened my eyes to see the real main house hold of the Phantomhive manor.Then my eyes widen in shock.

"Your re-

"bard,mey-rin,finny what are you three doing outside did you do what you were told"i heard a voice said,all three of them got scared,i was wondering why would they be scared of a voice then it hit me that voice belong to.........

"Sebastian"i said then i just realized i said that out loud.

"excuse me sir i didn't recall getting a guest,other wise why are you trespassing the phantom hive manor garden?"he said with a frown

"Mister Sebastian,we found him here sleeping well them,while almost getting burned by pluto until i heard them say that pluto turned to his human form and guard him like if he was his master"finny said with tears forming in his eyes.Then i turned my head to the left and found pluto by my side guarding me.

"How strange....well then pluto come here now"Sebastian said in annoyed voice.Pluto did nothing but still guard me.I looked at Sebastian and his face had a frown.

"Pluto i will say this one last time come here"he said in a angered tone.Still nothing.

"Hey pluto go with Sebastian you don't want him mad don't you now go" i said sweetly and with a closed eye smile.Pluto looked at me then walk to Sebastian and growled,like a dog would do if a person would go near his owner.Sebastian was shock then turned his head towards me.

"Well would you care to see my master"he said with his famous fake smile of course.It almost made me want to frown.

"Sure" i said then followed him to Ciel's study room,well this is going to be a long day.

Hi hope you guys liked it please like and follow me hahahahahahah i know it was boring but the next chapter is going to be better bye!!!!!!!!

me:So how was it Sebastian

Sebastian:Hows what?

me:the book duh

Sebastian:Well it was good my lady(winks)

me:(blushes)t-tha-thank y-you Sebastian

Sebastian:(grabs chin my chin)i think you should get a reward hmm(about to give me a kiss in the lips till ciel breaks the door of my room and ruins the moment)

Cielo:WHY AM I NOT IN THE BOOK UNKNOWN !!!!!!(then he realized what was happening and his face was shocked)

me:(me and Sebastian gives Ciel deadly glares at him)BECAUSE I BARLEY MADE THE FIRST CHAPTER CIEL!!!!!!!!!!!

Ciel: ohhhhh I'm sorry.......that i ruined your moment (walks to the broken door and leaves the room,also leaving me and Sebastian alone together)

Sebastian:(grabs my waist and come close to me his face very near mine)now he's gone and for your reward.(kisses me on the lips leaving me shock.

Im.....a monster(black butler xblue eyes yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now