No not Mr.Trancy!!

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Everything was dark,ever since i wished to go to ciel's house.I felt someone carry me.I opened my eyes slowly,i couldn't see that clearly,the only thing i saw was a black uniform.
~~3 hours later
Something not right.....i can feel it.I opened my eyes and saw wall.
......(lol),i sat up from the bed.My head started to hurt real bad.It felt like,pounding.
"Ahhh!!"i heard a voice in my head.
"Blue eyes~~"
"Blue eyes come here"it was a voice of a women.
"Blue eyes stay there,its safe"what do you mean by safe.
"Blue eyes mommy loves you ok,don't forget that and what ever happens its not your daddy's fault"my head stopped hurting,
what ever happens it's not you daddy's fault......Now im scared, maybe it's part of my,memory.I just shrugged and got off the bed.I got out of the room and saw a long ass,hall way.
~~5 mins later
Me almost dying of,walking i found a staircase.I ran down the stairs,and found the front door
to freedom.When i was running i looked at the walls,They were like idk to weird.
"Blue eyes what are you doing?"
"Huh?"i tripped from the stairs,i was ready for my body to come contact with the floor,but it didn't came instead i felt strong arms catch me.
"(Sigh)your really fragile you know that"i looked up and saw......the pedo claude!!!I tried to get out of his arms but he wouldn't let me.
"Ah ah ah no my little butterfly don't go"he played with my hair,i looked down not facing him.......
Shit im screwed im in alois trancy house :(.I felt him carry me to a couch.He made me sit on his lap.My butt was on one lap and my legs were on,the other lap.He began to play with my hair again,WHAT IS IT WITH MY HAIR!IS IT THAT COOL OR WHAT!!
"You know your so handsome, blue eye's"he pecked my lips softly.I just sat there emotionless.
"Tch are you paying attention"he pulled my hair.
"Ahhh!let go pedo!"i cried,he let go and grabbed my back collar.
"You have such a bad mouth,i gotta teach you a lesson"he pulled my back collar and dragged me on the floor.I saw Hannah walk in and stopped,she looked at me her eye's filled with sadness.
"Hannah help me!"i cried,she looked surprised that i knew her name.
"Umm claude i th-"

"Shut your mouth and work"he snapped back at her.He let go of me and went up to her and grabbed her by the neck.

"Hey let her go pedo!"i pushed him he let go of Hannah.
"You are going to get punished"he grabbed me by the hair this time.
"Owww please claude let go of me!"he ran to a room in inhuman speed and locked the door.
"I want you to scream my name blue eye's in pain"he smirked and took off his clothes fast and went on the bed.
"Come here blue eye's"i did what he asked and went on top of him.
"Play with me"he moaned,if i don't want to get beaten up then, i have to play.I nodded and kissed his neck hard,then kissed his mouth.I broke the kiss huffing.
"Blue eye's more~"he moaned,i kissed his chest to abs.I bit his chest hard.
"Oh blue eye's!"he moaned out loud.
"Blue eyes stop what your doing..."huh I heard a voice.
"Your only hurting yourself...." that's true but I just want to go home.I started to cry and Sat up from claude.
"This is not you........playing with boys is not you.....theses are your friends your only hurting them..."
But but I'm scarded of what will happen if I stop now.
"I'm sure claude won't hurt you.."
Sure.....fine I believe you inner voice I think.....
"Oh blues I'm sorry!"claude then sat up and hugged me.

"I didn't know what i was doing I'm really sorry please forgive me"he pulled away,his face was full of sadness.

"Its ok claude i forgive you..."i smiled then ruffled his hair.

"I thought i'll never see you with an emotion"i hugged him,i felt him stiffen at first then he hugged me.

"Why are you so nice blue eyes....."i felt him rest his head on my left shoulder .

"Because i care for you claude and i don't want to lose you as a friend"I fell asleep

"Good night....claude"

Im.....a monster(black butler xblue eyes yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now