A day with willy : )

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I kept dragging william till we got to london.
"So where do we go"i said in a tiring voice.He looked at me and smiled a bit,and pointed left.
"What over there!uhh its taking forever"i said and started walking,which seemed as 5 hours.
"Blue eyes its only been 3 mins"he looked at me with a annoyed face that looked funny.I giggled a bit.
"Whats so funny........"he said in a emotionless voice.
"You look funny when your annoyed"i said with a smile.
"Look the fair!YESH"i yelled which people started looking at us weirdly,i again dragged william since i got my energy back.
~~~~~30 mins later since im lazy to write

"That was fun!lets go again"i said and tried to go back in on the ride,but william pulled me.
"We went on that ride 10 times brat!"he yelled at me and he dragged me somewhere else,away from the ride.
"Im not a brat im a kid!"when i yelled that to him he stopped on his tracks,causing me to bump in to him.
"What was that for William"i questioned him.
"Want some ice cream"he said again emotionless voice,i only nodded.

~~~~3 mins later
William went to get ice cream and told me to wait on the bench.Man this is getting weirder and weirder,i feel like i been to this fair long time ago with william.What shocked me was when i called him willy,like if he was my childhood friend.Ever since,that portal sent me to black butler,things keep on getting weird.
"Can't you do anything right!!you useless maid!"i heard someone yell,and that rings the bell the only person in black butler that yells like that is...............alois trancy.I turned my head and saw him yelling at Hannah.I saw his hand raise ready to slap Hannah but i block her,and let him slap me.I think he didn't see it wasn't Hannah because he then started to kick my stomach hard.Lets just say he kicked me 5 times in the face and 6 tims on the stomach.He was going to kick me again in the stomach till someone stopped him.
"Young master,thats not Hannah"someone said in a cold voice.I opened my eye (which he only has one eye the other one is covered)to see a no expression face Claude.Alois finally snapped back to reality and saw that the person he was beating the crap up wasn't his maid.
"WHY DIDNT YOU STOP ME CLAUDE!!"he then slapped claude face,which still remained emotionless.Claude attention was now on me,he stook out his hand waiting for me to grab it which i did.I could barley stand since,alois kicked my stomach hard.Once i was about to stand up,he pulled me closer to him.
"Are you alright mister......."
"Blue eyes just blue eyes"my voice was shaking.He only lift my chin and smirked.
"What happened to your right eye?"he said in a sad voice.I was only shaking in fear,i was always scard of claude,because my friends told me lots of scary stories of him.
"Ummmm...i...i..."i was shuttering,should i tell him or not.
"Demon i consider you to take your filthy hands off my brat"i turned my head and saw it was william,Claude grip became tighter.
"Hmmmm im sorry my little butterfly,but it seems someone has ruined our time together,i have to go see my master,if you'll excuse me"he bend down and kissed my hand,and left.I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist.
"He didn't hurt you did he"i can feel his breath on my neck.
"Not him,but his master yea"i said but my voice sound like a whisper.
"Why that little-"
"Don't do anything,it's ok i look fine"i smiled.
"Look fine!blue eyes you look like if someone beat you up,which someone did!"he argued,at me i always hated arguments idk why but i just did.
"Ok just what ever,forget that i ever got beat up,so.......wheres the ice cream?????"i smiled again.He gave me a small glare but went away fast.
"Follow me..."he sighed and grabbed my hand.
"K!!!"i yelled like a little kid.
~~~2mins later
"Ok were here"he said.He covered my eyes,because he said it was a secret......man were just eating ice cream nothing special about it.
"Ok im going to take off my hands off your eyes ok"he said,i only nodded.
"Ok......1......2......3!"he took his hands off my eyes,and i saw one table with two seats.Near a sunset lake.
"Wow......that looks cool William"i said in a astonished voice.
"Come on take a seat "he smiled.I nodded and followed him,he pulled a chair back for me to sit.
"So how's life........."i face palmed.Really blue eyes really,your asking asking a reaper how's life....ugh...i hate my life.
"Ummm good?????"he awkwardly said.
"Im sorry,im such and ass,lets just eat ice cream"i closed eye smiled.Once i opened my eyes i saw him blush.Then the ice cream came.......OMG its my favorite flavor!!!!!!
"Vanilla and strawberry ice cream"i said in a cheerfull voice,then i notice it was only one.
"We're sharing,if thats ok with you "he said shyly.I nodded and smile.
~~~~~20 mins later
"Man that was alot of ice cream!man im glad i share with you"i yelled,he only nodded then stared at me.
"Ummm you have something on your lip"he said and went near me,and licked a piece of ice cream off my lip LICK A PIECE OFF!!!!
(Dies of fan boying)
"Um-um-um- thanks william"i shuttered and blush 50 shade of red.He smirked and whispered something in my ear.
"You know that piece of ice cream tasted sweet,i wonder what you taste like?"he then went and sat on my lap,and started to to grinding on me.
"William.......stop........people.....are.....going........to...see.....us"i was huffing,it felt so good when he was grinding on me.
"Close your eyes blue eyes"he whispered in my ear.I did what he told me to.
"Ok open them"he said.I opened them and saw that we were in a house,a big one and all clean and everything organized.
"Come on blue eyes!"he whinned,and picked me up bridal style
"What william"i blushed,i never heard him whinned it sounds so cute.
"I want to go inside of you...."he whispered in my ear and threw me on the bed lightly.
"Ehhhhh!! William are you alright are you sure your not on dru-"I've been cut off by william kissing me roughly while him being naked.Lets just say what happened was me and him being super loud and we almost broke his bed and he raped me.......and i feel like im not going walk for the next few days.......R.I.P. blue eyes........

~~~~Next day
Ughhhhh i feel so naked......what happen.I opened my eyes and saw a window that shined bright(me:like a diamond)and it hurt my eyes like fuck.
"Ugh sebastian close the curtains"i said,i thought sebastian was in my room but then i realized this wasn't even my room.
"Where the fuck am i"i whispered and turned my head and saw a peacefully sleeping william that is naked.I was in complete shock i slept with william......William T. spears what kind of drug did i use yesterday,that made this happen.
Then my stomach hurt,that made my want to puke.I ran to the bathroom and closed the door and threw up for 5 mins straight.
When i was done i screamed in my head.WILLIAM GOT ME PREGNANT....IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE IM A MAN NOT A WOMEN.....DID HE USE A CONDOM WHEN WE DID IT WTF I NEED TO CALL SERRA OR ASH!!!!.I knew my face was red like blood but hey,its not my fault william didn't use a condom.I started to search for the kitchen and i found it in 3 mins..........damn im awesome.
I looked at the clock to see what time it is it was 10:30 am,ok I'll cook something for breakfast.

William P.o.v.
Im so tired,i don't want to open my eyes.I opened them and saw blue eyes wasn't there.Where did he go?I stood up and stretch,last night was amazing.I then looked at my watch and saw it was 10:30 shit!!!!!im going to have to work over time!!!I went and changed super fast.Wait no im not going to work for a week,no not when i just found blue eyes no.I then took off my suit and only left my boxers on.I smell food i guess he's cooking breakfast.

Blue eyes P.o.v.
I hope he likes it,i made pancakes with whip cream and strawberries.Also 3 scramble eggs with 3 bacon strips and 2 sausage.I put a smile and put the two plates on the table,shit i forgot to put on pants and a shirt on i only had is my boxer's.
"Good morning brat"i felt his breath on my neck and his strong arms on my waist.
"G-g-g-ood morning"i said shyly and turn my head to left,and saw a smiling william i blushed madly.
"Blue eyes you look cute when you blush"he said and peck my lips.And started to snake his hand down my underwear.
"St.....st...stop.....william....im..tired......plus......the food.....i made...is .....going....to..get cold"i moaned out,man i have a sweet spot on him.
"You got yourself saved but next time nothing going to save you"he whispered in my ear and went and took a seat and got himself ready to eat.
"William you got me pregnant"i said to him,i swear i saw a piece of egg flying across the table.
"Blue eyes thats not possible your a man only a woman can get pregnant"he said on a smartass voice.
"Then what explains the throw up for 5 mins straight"i eyed him
"That only happens when its your first time that someone put their dick in someone else butt for the first time"he pushed his glasses up and blush.
"Ummmm"then out of nowhere some memories flashed in my head.
"Please........Alexander........stop"tears started to form in my eyes.
""Ahhhh!!!!it hurts!!"i yelled
"I love you blue eyes"
"I love you too my butler"i said.

End of flash back......

"Hey i got butt rape before!"i yelled at him.He looked at me and his eyes told me 'your virginity has been taken'
"You had sex before!"he stand up from his chair and his face was red.
"Hey its not my fault you didnt have sex with me before Alexander did!"i yelled at him,wait who the fuck is Alexander?i questioned in my head then he gave me the most deadliest glare,that made me want to cry which i felt something warm on my cheek.
"So Alexander took your virginity before me!"he yelled.
"Idk who is Alexander william!!!i don't know!"i slobbed.He then calmed down and tried to touch me but i didn't let him.
"Just leave me alone!!!"i yelled at him and ran out of the kitchen,to the last room i found that is far away from the kitchen.And cried.

William P.o.v.
He told me to leave him alone I was shocked of what he told me.Does he not like me ......I did yell at him but I did that cause when we were little it was always about Alexander.I got to apologize to blue eyes now.

~~~End of chapter
Hope you liked this chapter,also sorry it took long to write this the evil Hannah took my phone away: ( anyways,good bye reader have a nice day.

~~~what happened to unknown
"YESH i did it,fuck yea!!!"i fist pump in the air.
'Meow' 'Meow'
I turn my head to see a happy moon chip.I pat its head and left my room.Every thing was black.
"Unknown~~~~~"i felt their breath on my back.
"Hmmmm~~"i wasn't scard of anything so yea i act like everything is normal.
"Why did you order Claude to be your body guard and not me"i turn my head and knew it was sebastian.How?well i put on perfume on moon chip,so who ever touches her has the scent of that perfume.And since he loves cats,he loves my moon chip so him and me are the only ones that have that scent.
"Because he's not a stripper who broke my computer"i fake smile.He gave me a glare.
"But when he's your body guard he can touch your body"he whispered and snaked his hand up my shirt.
"In your dreams pervert!"i yelled at him and punched him and he flew out the window.
"There will be worse if you do that again"i yelled out the window.

Im.....a monster(black butler xblue eyes yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now