My Mistake

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"Who can tell me....?" Mrs. Traine asked some question that floated right past me. Math wasn't really my strong suit.

I jerked my head up, my pen flipping from my fingers and landing on my desk with a CLACK.


Mrs. Traine looked around the room for a student with a raised hand.

Angela was the only one who had raised her hand. Of course. She was crush number five for how smart she was.

"Yes?" Mrs. Traine called on Angela.

Angela spouted the answer but I didn't catch any of it. I was too busy drawing the delicate curls of Reynie Selon's hair. Number three on the cush list. 

He was super cute. Not particularly famous or anything, but he was sweet and lived nextdoor to me so we saw each other a lot. He was funny and akward in an adorable way. 

And he sat next to me in math class. We had a lot of classes together. We were kinda friends but he had his own little group that didn't really notice me. 

He caught me staring and smiled, waving slightly. I flushed and looked away, flipping my notebook closed.

He tapped the leg of my desk, a piece of paper clutched in his fist.

I grabbed it, my fingers tingling at the contact. I unfolded it carefully in my lap. 

U doing anything tonight?

What? I stared at the note. We hadn't really talked for two weeks. 

I quickly scribbled back:


He passed it back to me.

Want to come over for a movie?

I blinked, but scrawled my response and slipped it back under the desk. 

Sure. ☺

He replied with a subtle thumbs up under his desk. 

"Alright class, please complete lessons 20 to 25 this week," Mrs. Traine said, as everyone shoved their books in their bags. 

I fumbled to stuff my math workbook and my notebook in my backpack at the same time. My notebook slipped out of my hand and landed on the ground. It was open, for all to see on a picture of Reynie. 

I blushed again and hurriedly picked it up. Thankfully no one seemed to have noticed. I looked over at Reynie, he was busy flipping through his book. 

I heaved a sigh of relief. Ok, be more careful.

Then, cheeks still burning I trudged to my next class.

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