Chapter 3-Great...

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Avia's POV
I woke up to a major headache. Did dad just punch me,again? I stepped out of my bed and looked out my window. I saw Emmi and Gavin running down the hill to their rooms. I went to the door to meet with them,but of course locked. Locked for speaking up,locked for speaking your mind.

I broke down crying. What did I do to deserve this? I sat down at my dresser. In the mirror I saw a black eye. How is dad supposed to get out of this now? I stared at myself for a while,until my eye caught the scissors in the corner.

No Avia,don't do it.

Why not? It's not like anyone will care.

I grabbed the scissors,my hand quivering as I lifted it up to my arm. I bit my lip at the decision I was about to make. I've been clean my whole life. Then I looked back at my black eye,and I quickly sliced my arm.

Not hard enough Avia.

I looked down at the red mark on my arm. I cut it again,and the blood trickled down and onto my pants.

Not that bad right?

I didn't wanna listen to the voices inside my head,but I still did. I raised it up to my arm again,until my door quickly opened.

"Avia! Vlog,now,upstairs,black eye was from cheerleading got it?" Mom said pointing a finger at me. She saw the blood on my arm and the scissors in my hand,it didn't take a rocket scientist to understand what I was doing.

"Avia Colette Butler what the hell are you doing!" What did I have to loose now?

"I'm cutting,what else does it look like?" She grabbed the scissors from my hand and grabbed my arm. She sliced it hard all over my arm. I cried out like a little three year old.

"Mommy stop! Please mom stop! Stop mom please!" I cried out hysterically at her.

"Don't you dare cut again,or I will cut your arms,thieghs,and face! What the hell is wrong with you!" She said grabbing me by the ear. She held my ear tight as she walked to the garage. She pushed me down next to the cats.

"If you're gonna cut,stay here with the cats who actually do cut. What kind of child are you! God if only..."then she left and locked the door. I got up and went up to the little ledge. I looked at my arm which was full of cuts,dried blood,and some blood still trickling down. I cried again. Great,just great. Your own mother just cut you.

That's what I don't get. How a person could go from saying "I love you!" To screaming and cutting you. This sounds like a relationship problem? But of course the guy won't go to the extreme of cutting you.

I lied down staring up at the ceiling. Well,looks like I'm going hungry today. Don't I have such a great life?
It was night time now. I could hear the family playing sole kind of game. I heard Brock laugh the most. He doesn't understand that we need to give the viewers what they want;quality family time.

I grew fatigue because of the loss of blood and lack of food. I don't know how long I can survive this. I could always just run,I could leave right now out of the garage and run. Run far away from here. What would they say to the viewers? That's their problem that their precious PrincessTard is gone.

I'm out of here.

I stood up wobbly. I slowly got down from the ledge and walked over to the garage opener. Well tried walking. I immediatley fell in the middle of the garage. I can't do it. I was so close to freedom. I crawled over with my last bit of strength.

I was so close that I could touch the keypad. I might pass out. Well if I pass out,it might as well be in the middle so they can't see I was trying to escape.

I once again,crawled back using my one good arm. As I got to the middle,I just layed there. Punched by your dad and cut by your mom. And the sad part? They could easily say "She got punched by Brock," and "She was cut on the blades of grass."

Laying on the middle of the cold,dark garage. I closed my eyes. A tear rolled down,as I left to go to another place. The faint light approached me,and I was gone.
Emmi's POV

"Okay I'm gonna pick all the hard cards." Gavin said.

Family home evening. Once again,we're lying to the viewers about being a happy family. Avia's gone and I don't even know where she is. It's not exactly the whole family if the "spice"is gone.

After Gavin only could act out three well enough for us guess,mom sent me to go feed the kittens.

"Emmi run down to go feed the kittens. So for the family home evening today,I just prepared these little cookies that the kids looove..." I ran down as mom continued to talk about her poop cookies. What,they're not that good.

I opened the garage door and saw Avia on the floor with blood smeered behind her. Is she? No,she can't be.

"Avia? Avia wake up? Avia?" I started shaking her harder and harder. She wouldn't budge. I got up slowly and froze in my tracks. I stared at the lifeless body of my sister,the black eye,and the red arm filled with cuts.

I screamed.

The whole family came rushing in with dad pointing the camera at him still.

I quivered looking at what my parents did to my older sister.

"A-av-a-Avia-she-she-she-she-she-wo-wo-wo-won't wake up!" I started screaming,then crying,then breaking down. Dad shut the camera off and carried her bridal style to the car.

"Honey she's still alive we can't bury her!"Is all that mom said.

"Seriously? I'm bringing her to the hospital!"

"But they'll see what we did!"

"We can cover it up. We can't let her die."

"And why is that?!"

"Because she's still our daughter."

What did dad just say? "She's still our daughter." Mom's lost her soul,good to know dad hasn't lost his yet.
Fricken Avia always the ome getting hurt.

QOTD:Is there something that you hate about the Shaytards?
AOTD: I get that they wanna do fun stuff with animals,but judging by the way they can treat their own pets doesn't seem like a very good idea to go and get cows and horses. Honestly,I just don't like how they can jump into that kind of responsibilty.


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