Chapter 23-Hawaiian Cliffdiving

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Avia's POV

It's been a few weeks since my cheer incident and my tailbone is slowly healing. There's times when it hurts and times when it doesn't,it really depend on what I'm doing. I can't sit for a long time or else it could make my injury worst but hey,I'll eventually get better.

Being the future lawyer I am,I somehow convinced mom and dad to let me swim! It doesn't hurt at all as long as I push forward with my arms,if I try swimming like a mermaid then that's when it hurts. I was actually pretty bummed about not being able to swim like a mermaid,mom bought us these awesome mermaid fishtails that I won't get to use till I'm better.

I held onto dad as we walked across the street to this restaurant. Just from the parking lot,I could smell the steak and shrimp cooking,I'm getting pretty excited at this point.
"Hm,it doesn't say we can't jump off it right? And besides people cliff dive all the time,I'm pretty sure this is fine!" Dad said leading us onto the top of the cliff. We had just finished dinner and dad was eager to jump off this cliff.

The sun was setting and the sky was gorgeous,not sure if seeing my hairy dad stand at the edge of the cliff made it better,but it sure did make it more entertaining for the vlogs.

"Are you getting these rays! Are you seeing how fantastic the view is!" Dad kept yelling at mom (and the camera) who just kept saying yes while laughing.

"Babe are you catching this moment! Are you seeing how white my teeth are?"

She giggled and said ,"I love you." I stood behind mom while looking at the beautiful sunset. I looked to my side and saw dad do a backflip off the cliff,that's when I stood up to look at him go down.

"Woo!" He yelled as I surfaced. "Wanna try it?" He asked us. I of course instantly shouted yes despite this injury.

"No I don't want her to!" Mom said looking back at me.

"What? Why come on mom!" I whined.

"Because I don't want you-"

"Jeez,it's a once in a lifetime experience,"I mumbled under my breath,"please mom!"

"No Avia." Mom said sternly.

"Avia mom said no." Gavin also said.

"Wanna try?" Dad once again shouted.

"They won't let me!" I yelled back. "Yeah,maybe you shouldn't are there big waves?"

"Yes!" Mom and Gavin shouted immediately.

"Fine." I said in defeat. I sat down looking as dad swam in the ocean. Mom was asking grandpa if he wanted to jump to,but honestly,if I couldn't dive,then he shouldn't either.

Gavin sat down next to me as we stared out into the horizon. "Don't you love Hawaii." I nodded my head.

"One day,I'm gonna come back here with my wife."

I laughed and said,"Wife? You're absolutely confident that one day you'll get a wife and bring her to Hawaii?"

"Well yeah! I mean who wouldn't want to marry all this,"he said pointing at himself,"and yeah,I want her and our kids to experience the beauty of Hawaii."

"Wow now we're also in the kids territory. You're here planning your future vacations with a future family,and yet I don't even know what I'm gonna wear tomorrow." As I finished my sentence,Emmi sat down next to me.

"We're gonna go swimming after dad gets up right?"

"Yup." Gavin and I said at the same time. We watched as dad got up onto the rock and shook like a wet dog. We all laughed when he started acting like a seal.

These are the times I love the most. The camera isn't even on,yet dad is still being funny.

"Shay! Come on get up her,my butt won't stop shaking till you're up here!" Mom said with a laugh.

"Coming!" Dad said as he began running up. He grabbed the towel from grandpa and wrapped it around himself.

"Alrighty let's go! It's starting to get dark and I'm getting cold so I gotta jump into that shower!" Dad said as he began walking down the cliff.

"Wait! Can you leave Avia and me behind,I want to have a kind of shoot and I need Avia."

"Oh yeah! That sounds like fun,can I join mom?" Emmi asked grabbing moms hand.

"Emmi,you have a special surprise waiting for you at the hotel! So start swimming and when we come back I'll be able to give it to you okay?"

"Yes a surprise! Dad let's go!" She said as she ran to dad,they all went down the cliff and now it was just me and mom.

"Okay mom,I was thinking I could pose like this over here,then you could go over here,then we could take some pictures together? Does that sound good?"

"Actually Avia I just needed to talk to you."
Time jump to tree months ago!!

Sorry for lack of a lot of updates,I was at the Philippines and I was insanely busy that I had legit no time to update or anything.

But hey,guess what.

This is the second to last chapter of this book!!

Last chapter will be up maybe tomorrow,or saturday,or sunday,the more suspense the better right?

Anyways I would like to use this second to last chapter to thank each and every one of you for reading,for commenting,and for voting! You don't know how much your support means to me. Thank you to all who constantly comment and vote,you guys are the ones who give me the inspiration to update,so thank you so so much.

But thank you luvs,for everything you have done not only for this book,but for me and for all my other books.

Love you guys!💗💗

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