Chapter 22

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Shay's POV

I held Avia's hand through the ambulance ride. Avia still had tears running down her face and it killed me seeing her in so much pain. And to think that I used to cause her pain makes me sick.

Avia was rushed in to get an MRI to see if her tailbone would be okay with just meds or if she would need surgery,but judging by how hard she hit the floor,it looks like she's gonna need surgery.

Grandma,grandpa,the kids and I sat there waiting for Collette.

"Dad." I turned so I was facing Emmi.

"Will Avia be okay?" I put my arm around her.

"Of course she will,Avia's strong." I said giving her a small smile.

A few minutes later the doctor came out with a few other nurses.

"Hi,I'm assuming you guys are Avia Butler's family?" I stood up and shook her hand. "Well hello,I'm doctor Bailey. Avia is very lucky,she only fractured one of her bones,that fall of hers was hard to enough to break at least 3 but thanks to the matt,it was able to break her fall just by a little bit."
(a/n grey's anatomy reference?)

"Thank you Lord." I whispered.

"She will be able to heal,however that could take 8 to 12 weeks. If this does not improve,we may have to remove that one bone,but we won't be sure till 6 months after this injury."

"8 to 12 weeks?" I turned around to see Collette holding her bag.

"Yes Mrs.Butler. This fracture could take 8 to 12 weeks depending on how well she recovers."

"Where is she right now." She said firmly.

"She's in room 3139 asleep,we've given her some pain meds to help get rid of the pain temporarily." She pulled a small beeping device out of her pocket.

"I'm afraid I have to go do something,but if you guys have any questions do not hesitate to ask me." We thanked her as we searched for Avia's room.

Collette and I entered with the kids. We all stood around a sleeping Avia. Collette began to cry seeing Avia in the hospital,again. I put my arm around her as I also started to cry.

Collette's POV

I saw Avia lying once again in the hospital bed. I began to cry seeing her like this again. Not because I'm sad. I'm crying tears of joy. Ha,I got exactly what I wanted. All I needed was for Avia to squeal like a baby,cry,and have to stay in the hospital.

I saw Shay crying as well.

"Shay." He turned to me. "I think we need to post a one take. We can't hold off not vlogging,this is our job babe."

He sighed as he pulled his phone out. We just need to let the viewers know Avia's hurt. To Shay,it means just to inform them,but to me it means more views,which means more money. I mean,money is what we're gonna need to pay for Avia and for Hawaii.

"Hey guys,so Avia got in a little accident,"Shay paused,"she fell on her tailbone during cheer,and they had to bring her to the emergency room so here we are." He said handing the camera over to me.

"I hope you guys can understand that the vlogs might be one takes for the next few days because of this,incident. But we will still vlog when we are in Hawaii. The doctors say it'll take awhile till Avia fully heals,but if she doesn't heal properly,then she may need surgery. So yeah,until then." I pressed the red button to end the video.

"Y-you can go ahead and title it." He said not taking his eyes off of Avia. I titled the video "There's Been An Incident" With that,I'm sure more people will click on the video,it's common Youtube sense.

I handed the phone back to Shay as I took a seat next to him.

"How is this little girl so strong. She's gone through beatings,starvation,she's been stabbed
Collette. How much more can she take of this." Shay said putting his head in his hands.

"I don't know Shay." I said in a low whisper. "She grew up under our guidance,that's why she's so strong."

"Have we been that horrible of parents? Avia's been in the hospital three times now." I thought back to when she lost a lot of blood,to when she got stabbed,and now.

"No Shay. We-we just can't control the things that happen to her."

"If only we could,then she wouldn't be here right now."

"Don't worry Shay,"I said looking at Avia and the kids,"we can get through this.

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