Chapter 19-Oh My Gosh

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Collette's POV

Avia walked out to the kitchen with a full face of makeup and her hair in a high ponytail. I've thought about the possibilities of what could happen. For example,her head could crack open,she could break her neck,maybe lose her memory if she falls hard enough,who knows maybe she'll strike a nerve and become brain dead! Either way,I know this can't turn out very well,which is good for me.

"Cheer cheer,she's ready for cheer,can't you see she's ready for cheer!" Shay chanted as she did a part of her routine.

"I'm so excited!" I yelled thinking of how our lives could change in a few hours.

Bye bye PrincessTard.

Avia's POV

We all packed into the car and I immediately went through my moves for the routine.

"Someone clearly cannot sit still." Emmi said looking back to her iPod.

"Hey I have pre-performance jitters okay!" I said sitting back and pulling my iPod out as well. I saw I received a text from Karen.

Karen😒:We're gonna slay tonight! Break a leg 😉!
I groaned putting my phone into my pocket. Apparently,my groan was loud enough for mom to hear.

"Something wrong Avia?"

"I guess,Karen sent me a text saying,"break a leg,"as if she's trying to be my friend again,but is also planning something."

"It's just a term honey for good luck when you perform."

"Yeah." I said looking back out the window.

"If it really bothers you,I'll ask for Karen to switch." She said looking back to me.

"No,no it's okay. We did fine at practice so I should be fine too."

"Okay then,don't worry,I'm sure you girls will do fine."

"Brailee!" I waved running over to her. We found the rest of our team and went to the side of the gigantic blue matt in fromt of us. Brailee and I went through the moves once again,making sure we wouldn't mess up.
I saw Karen talking with the two other girls who would be basing for me,Hope and Brooke. They looked at me every once and a while and I rolled my eyes at what they could be talking about.

"All cheerleaders to the side! Queens are going first and from there you should know you're order." Our coach yelled as we all ran to the side. We sat there watching at the 16 year olds doing stunts we could one day achieve. Karen,Hope,and Brooke were still talking and I started getting nervous that the girl who hates me,is talking with my girls who hold my safety in their hands.

"All right girls let's go!" Our main coach whispered at us. We all stood up and walked onto the matt.

I heard the music start and I did the dance sharp,strong,and clean. I ran to the side waiting for my turn to do my roundoff backhandspring. I did my roundoff and I did my backhandspring but I felt that I wasn't going high enough.

I waited and eventually it was time for our stunts.
You'll be fine Avia,you'll be fine.

Collette's POV

I saw Avia run to get to her stunt.

This is it. This could go either way. Avia could be completely fine,she could hit her head and be okay,or she could become brain dead,paralyzed,who knows. All I know is that now we have 4 million subscribers,Avia's injury  (or possibly death)can raise us up to 5 or 6 million.

Avia's feet were now in Karen and some other girl's hands. They raised her up,so her feet were now at chest level.

Here we go.

They tossed her high. Way high up. All the other cheerleaders were at the level they were supposed to be,but Avia was tossed up higher than all of them.

Karen and the other girls made it look like they could catch her,but as Avia did her double pike high up,they realized they couldn't catch her.

As Avia began to go down,the girls slowly backed away,but still were close enough so it looked like they were trying to catch her.

"What? Collette look." Shay said nudging me not taking his eyes off Avia.

It's as if Avia was going in slow motion.

Down Avia went,falling right on her tailbone. She let out a loud wail and fell back.

"Oh my gosh,Avia!" I shouted rushing out of the bleachers and down to where Avia layed.

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