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Jeongguk is getting downstairs to meet the guest he's confused to be honest, cause it's already past 11 close to midnight than who's the one who decided to meet at this hour it's odd.

He just shake it off, and find the same maid that informed him about the guest arrival coming towards him when she saw him.

"Oh Mr jeon the guest is in the living room" She informed, with her head down.

"Okay" He says, ready to go from there when he suddenly turned around to look back.

"Mrs shin, don't work too hard" He says, and left from there.

The middle aged woman was shocked to be precise, this is something new cause she's working for jeons for last fifteen years and this this was the first time when jeongguk said, something like this. But a beautiful smile was evident on her face.





"Fancy seeing you here Miss Park" Jeongguk says, as soon as he spot her, standing in front of her as she was sitting on the couch, a fair distance among them. Well he didn't expected her, not at all.

"Jeongguk how you doing? " She asks, standing up too and looking at him.

"First of all don't you think so it's inappropriate to visit someone at this hour, plus I don't think so you just came here to ask me how am I doing" He says, not liking the idea of being emerge in a talk with her.

"Actually y-es, you are rig-" She stutter, trying to form a proper sentence.

"I love you jeongguk" She confess, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Wha-t?" Jeongguk says, his eyes widening in shock.

"Yeah it's jus-"

"Miss park what are you saying I've told you the day we met, that there's someone I love"jeongguk says, still astonished about what he heard.

"I know" It was a mere whisper.

"Than how can yo-"

" GOD DAMMIT JEONGGUK I CAN'T CONTROL MY FEELINGS" She shouted with all her might breaking down in front of him, showing him her most miserable sight.

But there's nothing she can do, is it her fault that she loves someone who's in love with someone else?

"Miss par-"

"No let me just say, don't stop me and please I'm begging you please just listen to me"

"It's getting too much" She says, looking at him hurt evident in her voice while tears continuously leaving her eyes.

Jeongguk felt bad for her too bad cause he knows this feeling too well. So he just stood there without uttering a single word.

"The first time I saw you, I knew you love someone else, remember the time you went to that club and gave a long lasting lecture to that boy, I heard it, every single word and that's the moment I fell in love with you" She says, a small smile making it's way on her face.

"We can't control these feelings and I don't think so anyone knows this better than you" She exclaimed, looking directly in his eyes.

Oh how right she is.

"I thought you'll move on one day, and I'll definitely make a place in your heart if not replace that person than just a sm-all corner in yo-ur heart-"

"That was enough for me" She sniffles, wiping her eyes she never thought one day she'd show someone how miserable she is.

SERENITY - The Tale Of Eternal Love. Where stories live. Discover now