[ A/N: going to make chapters shorter now so I can update more frequently. also there's the shameless beginnings of smut in this chapter sorrynotsorry ]
"Hey, your boyfriend's stinking up the entire goddamn bathroom and I have to piss."
The party had been going well for Jean, up until that point. They'd finished up the game of spin the bottle, although Eren had disappeared somewhere shortly after realizing that he'd just consumed a shitload of beer.
Now, Jean was face-to-face with the obviously angered Levi. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, he's sobbing while puking his guts out." The ravenette crossed his arms, looking rather disheveled. His hair was quite messy, and he'd changed out of his tuxedo for a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. There appeared to be a few lipstick stains on his neck - presumably caused by Petra, or so Jean believed.
Shit. Jean's eyes widened at the explanation. Now he realized why Eren did not want to drink - it was because he was afraid of embarrassing himself. "Umm.. Let me go look.." He replied, getting up from his seat on the couch and smoothing out his clothes. As he neared the door to the bathroom, the smell of vomit noticeably grew.
Jean wrinkled his nose, holding a sleeve over the lower-half of his face as he turned the door knob - only to find that it was locked. He resorted to giving it a few cautious knocks, "Eren?"
In response, Jean heard a few anguished cries of 'go away.'
"Eren, unlock the door." He gave a few more knocks, increasing in volume in an attempt to annoy the brunet inside. He winced upon hearing a belching noise, and then the sound of something hitting the water.
"No, fuck you!"
Jean recoiled, rolling his eyes. Harsh. "If you don't unlock the door right now, I'm getting Levi." And you wouldn't like that, would you?
There was a moment of silence followed by the sounds of sniffling and shuffling around. The door lock finally clicked moments later, and Jean braced himself as he opened the door.
"Shit." He definitely was not ready for the smell, all close-up and personal. At least Eren did not look that bad, though. His face was just extremely red, and there was some snot running down his nose. Besides that, there were no traces of puke on his shirt or face.
"Um.. Are you okay?" Jean knew it wasn't the best question to ask, for Eren wasn't exactly okay, but what else could he have said?
"Do I fucking look okay to you?" Eren said, letting out a sob shortly after and wiping the tears that threatened to run down his cheeks.
"Well.. Not exactly," Jean answered, cautiously reaching an arm over and flushing the toilet for Eren. He then knelt down, able to meet the other's turquoise eyes. "Why are you crying?"
"Be-because," Eren stammered, averting his eyes to the bathroom floor. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, which was already wet from the crying. "Because L-Levi knocked on the door and screamed at me." He finally choked out, leaning over the toilet and puking again, right in front of Jean's eyes.
"Aw fuck." Jean backed away a bit, shaking his head. He definitely knew that Eren was drunk now. If Levi yelled at him, the brunet normally wouldn't give a damn, and would probably say something right back.
"I will piss in your shoes, Kirschtein, if you don't get him out of there in the next two minutes!"
The sandy-haired boy flinched at Levi's voice, shouting from the living room. Most people had already retreated to their private rooms, based on how unusually quiet it was out there. "Why don't you just go to your own room?"
"I can't. Petra's using the bathroom in there."
"Okay, well, uh.. Eren, we need to get you out of here." Jean said, placing a gentle but restraining hand on the brunet's shoulder.
Eren made no effort to take his hand off; however, his eyes began to water again. "Y-you don't love me, do you?" He began, his voice getting shaky.
Jean wrinkled his face. God, how he wished Eren was a fun drunk instead of the typical emotional and deep drunk. "I do love you, Eren."
The sandy-haired boy cringed at the sound of Levi's commanding tone as he counted down. "Eren, stand up." He demanded, desperately wanting to save his shoes from being peed in.
"How much do you love me?" Eren was relentless, although he made an effort to lift himself off the ground and splash some water on his face in a drunken attempt to clean himself off.
"I'll tell you when we get out." Jean said, tugging at the brunet's shirt sleeve.
Eren ignored the tugs, instead focusing on rinsing his mouth out and getting rid of the vomit taste.
Well, at least this guy has some sort of common sense when he's drunk. Jean tapped his foot impatiently, watching as the other male spilled some of the water down his own shirt and cringed.
Fortunately, by then, Eren was cleaned up enough. Jean hurriedly grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the bathroom, despite his protests - just in time for Levi to go running in and locking the door.
"Tell me nooow," Eren slurred into Jean's ear, grabbing the hem of the other's shirt and slumping against him a bit.
"A lot..? Eren, you know I'm not very romantic." Jean rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the couch and tugging Eren down with him.
"If you really loved me, you'd have sex with me."
Jean's eyes widened at those words. "You're drunk off your ass, dude." He managed to force out a chuckle. It was true, though - they'd never really had sex through the duration of their relationship (besides the awkward blowjob in the school bathroom), and neither of them had brought the idea up. Jean supposed Eren had wanted to wait, or he simply wasn't interested in that aspect of their relationship.
"Jeaaannn, please," Eren whined, nuzzling his head against his boyfriend's shoulder. He continued to yank the hem of his shirt, doing anything he could've possibly done to annoy Jean into complying.
"I, uh.." Truth be told, part of Jean wanted to say yes. The other part of him told him to say no and make Eren sleep it off or something.
"Jeaaaan," Eren's hand hovered dangerously above Jean's crotch, eliciting a low noise from the other when he pressed his hand down. "I'm horny."
"Please go get a room. If I come out to see you two fucking, I will personally kill you both." Levi mumbled on his way into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it.
"Why don't you make out with my ass then." Jean rolled his eyes at the brunet, scoffing as he remembered what Eren told him before and took the opportunity to use it against him. Besides, he wanted to see just how badly Eren wanted him.
To Jean's surprise, Eren completely ignored his statement. Instead, he decided to climb onto Jean's lap and straddle him, their faces dangerously close.
"Don't you even think of kissing me until you rinse with some Listerine. You just threw up, Eren, that's gross as shit." Jean said, leaning back as far as possible until he was nearly falling off the couch.
"But Jean, I love you," Eren whined, not giving up anytime soon from the looks of it. His hands found their way onto Jean's thighs, spreading them apart before reaching for the zipper to Jean's pants.
"If you loved me, you would go take a shower-" Jean began, faltering when he realized what Eren intended to do. "Oh hell no. Keep your mouth away from my dick."
"Will you take a shower with me?" The brunet slurred in response, a lopsided smirk on his face in a failed attempt to be sexy.
Jean sighed, shaking his head. Although, taking a shower with Eren didn't sound bad to him at all. "You're a fucking baby." He haphazardly pushed Eren off himself, watching as the brunet toppled backwards onto the hotel carpet. "We're gonna have to wait until Levi gets out."
Eren bit his lower lip, flashing Jean another shitfaced smirk of his. "I'll be fucking you tonight, baby."

Senior Year [ SNK / EREJEAN ]
FanfictionEren and Jean's romance through their senior year of highschool.