Chapter 17

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As soon as the last bell of the day rang, Eren hurried out of class. He must've bumped into at least twenty people on his way out of the school, and knocked over about three more, but he could not have cared less. He was in that "fuck everyone" state of mind, the "I hate life" kind of mood.. And more specifically, the "fuck Jean" mood. Not in that way, not the sexual way.. At least, not anymore.

Eren huffed angrily, pushing his hair out of his face as he got in the driver's seat of his car and slammed the door shut. "God fucking dammit," He muttered, leaning his head back against the seat and rubbing at his temples. With his other hand, he pulled his phone out and dialed Levi's number without a moment's hesitation, holding the phone up to his ear.

The dial tone played for an agonizingly long period of time, before cutting off to Levi's voice saying to leave a message or call back at a later time.

"Fucking dick." Eren hung up and tossed his phone onto the passenger's seat, watching it bounce once before falling off the edge of the seat, primarily due to his horrible aim.

"Fuck!" The brunette let out a loud, annoyed groan, leaning over and picking his phone back up, setting it once more on the seat.

This day is just going great. Simply wonderful. What an iconic day.

Eren put on his seatbelt, starting up the car backing out of the school parking lot, nearly running over two other students in the process.

Doesn't matter. It's their fault they were too busy eating each other's faces to look both ways before crossing the fucking street.

He considered turning the radio on, but then decided it would be much better to wallow in his self pity instead, in complete silence. He felt like driving forever, with no particular destination in mind. He wondered where he would end up if he followed the road in front of him for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, Eren couldn't do that. Mikasa would no doubt be the first person to notice that he hadn't returned to school in a long time, and pretty soon, she would probably have the entire police force in the city out to look for him.

Eren was just glad he didn't have to give Mikasa rides everyday to and from school. She had friends of her own to do that for her.

Pulling up into his driveway a few minutes later, the brunette killed the engine and grabbed his phone and book bag before exiting the car. He made sure his doors were locked before trudging up to his front door, twisting the knob and opening it.

Eren stepped inside, looking around a bit before closing the door behind him. He guess he'd beat Mikasa to it this time, since the house was silent. It made sense, considering how fast he'd sped out of the school after last period. Sighing, he threw his book bag on the couch before plopping down right next to it. He wasn't even hungry, and usually he'd have a ferocious appetite upon returning from school. He wasn't even in the mood to watch TV or play video games.

"I should probably stop moping around and actually do something about this.." He mumbled, to no one in particular, picking up his phone and scrolling through his text messages. Surely enough, he didn't have any weird conversations with Levi. His last conversation with him was from a few weeks ago, and Eren was asking him for the homework in a certain class they shared. There was nothing fishy at all about their message history.. yet where did Jean get those texts from?

Everything was just so confusing. If Eren did it while he was drunk, he certainly didn't mean it at all. If he didn't do it and Levi somehow tricked Jean into believing that he did, then Jean was an asshole for not trusting his own boyfriend.

The sound of the door opening snapped Eren out of his thoughts and back into dreaded reality. He glanced up, taking note of the fact that it was Mikasa, a million textbooks in hand.

"Whew.. hey, Eren, can you do me a favor? Can you get my book bag from the front steps? I kinda dropped it there because-" Mikasa paused, raising an eyebrow in her brother's direction. "Is everything okay?"

Eren didn't realize that he looked rather disgruntled, and that he was basically glaring at Mikasa, so of course he found her question weird. He wasn't trying to make it seem like there was something wrong, after all, not in front of her.. But it kind of agitated him that she managed to see right through him so easily. "Yeah yeah, totally fine.. It's not as if I feel like I've been beaten repeatedly and kicked down a flight of stairs consisting of knives."

Mikasa frowned, biting her lip. She set her books down on the coffee table and decided on grabbing her book bag herself, putting it right next to her books. "Oh.. What's wrong, then?" She asked, huffing as she closed the door and wiped the sweat off her brow. Afterwards, she turned her full attention to Eren.

"Everything. My life is falling apart right in front of my eyes. I think it's too early for me to have a midlife crisis, isn't it? But I'm having one anyway."

Mikasa sighed, not even bothered by her brother's tendencies to overreact on everything anymore. "Did someone bully you? Did you fail a test? Are you failing a class?"

"First off, Mikasa, I haven't been bullied since, probably, fifth grade.. At least, not that I know of. Anyway, no, I didn't fail a test.. At least, I don't think so. I did have a math test today," Eren groaned, covering his face with his hands. "I'm not failing a class.. Have I ever failed a class? I've never even gotten anything lower than a B for the past three years."

"Then what is it? You're just dancing around your actual problems and refusing to tell me."

"Well, I.. I think Jean hates me now," Eren managed to choke out, looking down in shame.

"What?! Why?"

"Apparently, I'm cheating on him with Levi. I mean, I didn't know that, but I guess I'm a cheater now. It was news to me too, but Jean has these screenshots."

Mikasa's eyes widened. "Screenshots? Let me see."

"I don't have them. Jean does,"

"Well.. What were they about then?"

"They were just screenshots of apparent texts between me and Levi.. I was admitting to him that I still had feelings for him. I know I didn't say that. I don't remember sending anything like that." Eren bit his lip, drawing a bit of blood and cringing at the metallic taste.

"So.. You're saying Levi faked those screenshots somehow?" Mikasa muttered, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. After all, she cared a lot about Eren and didn't like seeing her brother so hurt.

"I don't know.. That's what I'm guessing." The brunette shrugged. "I called Levi earlier, but he didn't pick up.. Probably too busy thinking up new ways to ruin my life."

"..Is there anything I could do to help? Do you want me to talk to Jean? Or even Levi?" Mikasa asked, knowing Eren didn't appreciate it when she allowed herself into his personal affairs without clear, given permission.

"No! I mean- sorry.. I don't think you talking to them would do much," Eren murmured, fiddling around with his hands in his lap.

"But, I hate to see you so down.. How about we go to the movies later tonight? I don't have much work to do, and I'm sure dad wouldn't mind letting us go." Mikasa smiled.

Eren paused, thinking momentarily. Maybe he just needed to get his mind off things, maybe that would be his temporary fix. "Sure thing."

"Perfect. Go do your homework or whatever else you have to do. We'll go in a few." Mikasa playfully flicked Eren on the tip of his nose before getting up, making her way to her room.

Eren groaned inwardly. If only I could be as cheery as her right now.

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